Moving right along

            Wellp, we are here. We've officially moved.  Our house still may have a occasional pile of things waiting to have a place to live, and we have a handful of cardboard boxes waiting to be thrown out, but other then that we are here!  I thought moving in while pregnant would be so fun...mainly because I wouldn't have to lift anything ergo I really wouldn't have to do any of the work. Turns out it was not fun. I felt bad not being able to really contribute, so I tried to sneak more lifting and loading in then I probably should have. Got lots of lectures and looks of 'no no Katelyn'  from Damon and my brothers.   By the end of the weekend I did hardly anything compared to what I would have not pregnant and my body hated me and I was sad I couldn't help. Damon definitely pulled more then his fair share with this move.

          We moved into my mom and her husbands rental house.  It's been great and a little rough at the same time.  We are super grateful for the extra amenities (first married dishwasher and washer and dryer...well even though turns out the washer and dryer are outta commission right and a bigger place for the same price as before.  But I feel a little bit like a kid moving so close to family again. Nothing has really changed other then being within walking distance but it's still cutting a little too close to my independent personality. It's also pretty far away from 'town' from what we are used to and with only one car juggling schedules and trips to 'town' take a lot more forethought.
          Damon and I (after lots of pro's and con's lists and prayers and blessings) have decided I would not go back to work after baby is born. We feel good about the decision and I'm positive the blessings and benefits of being able to be with our little squirmy will ultimately outweigh any sacrifice.  It's hard not to worry about the sacrifices though.  I've never not worked since I was 16. I like the atmosphere and feeling like I am contributing and earning my way. I know what Damon earns is mine and what I earn is his, but its going to be a big change to give up that atmosphere and trust everything to Damon. Not that I doubt his commitment or ability. I have complete confidence in him and I know he will work hard to make it work. It's just going to be hard to see him work so hard. I feel a little guilty already.  We are a little worried about what finances will look like once I quit, but we know that as we trust in the lord everything will work out.  Ps, we aren't against me getting like a night cleaning job or something like that.  We just don't plan on having a consistent sitter to leave baby alone with.
         Totally switching gears this mothers day we (my siblings and I) all got together to take pictures of ourselves to give to mom. ...maybe a little narcissistic ..? but so so fun, plus she doesn't have any really current of us.

 Here are the boy'os! 

 Idk why I was right front and center...It's like monster Katelyn and her belly while Ian is way squished in the back there.  The camera battery was dying so we didn't have the time to go back and look at the pictures til we got back home....thus I am monster Katelyn taking over the siblings...

Curse you blue eyes, none of us could really open our eyes. Couldn't handle the little bit of sunlight.

Sisters...and monster belly. Turns out Lauren is prego here too! Surprise! 

Our little family!


 It was actually really hard to get all the mustaches up at the same time

The end! 


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