Baby Indie is here!

   Birth story time! So great! Its long, and I may have expanded in some areas you weren't prepared for, so hang in there if ya can. If you can't short story is: went to the hospital, had a baby, She's great and we adore her! 

The long of it is:
       As it turns out Indie didn't much care to show up on her due date.  Not for a lack of trying on our part. We did walks and labor inducing massages (hats off to Violet) and as everyone was very quick to point out and suggest, trying to get her out by the same way she got in there.  Maybe those things work for some people, but not for this baby. Not a budge! So, we scheduled her to be induced. One week overdue at 6:30 am August 12th we went on over to Timpanogos Hospital.  
       Man, the night before was pretty sleepless.  My mind was racing. For so long I had managed to not think about actual labor.  Couldn't avoid it anymore though. I was so anxious. Nervous to be a mother but more pressing...the actual labor.  I don't know how well Damon would have slept if I wasn't tossing and turning beside him.  He usually doesn't get too worked up about things, well, plus he wasn't the one who was going to have to push a watermelon out of his body in the morning.  We went to bed around 11 and were up from 3 am on just waiting to go to the hospital. 
    I really had pretty much zero idea of what to expect when it came to the labor and recovery.  I just figured it would be pretty typical hoo-hoo-hee's and pushing for hours on end. Then the baby would be here after lots of pain and work on my part and everything would be great! Wellp, everything was great, but went down a lot differently then I thought. 
      First off, delivery was a ton more laid back then I had thought it would be. We got to the hospital and were shown to our room.  I got changed and hooked up to the fetal monitor and contraction tracker pretty quick.  We met our nurse Tarah (who was pretty much Kristen Wiig in nurse form) She was so super great!  Surprise number one was how involved the nurse was in my whole delivery.  I absolutely loved her.  I was dilated to a 3/4+ and 80% effaced when we got there. So, that was a good start! 
       There was a nice big flat screen tv mounted on the wall in front of my hospital bed, Damon quickly found that The Hobbit was scheduled to play so we turned that on while we waited for the pitocin to start working its magic. I started having pretty mild contractions every 3-5 mins. Damon and I chatted and watched The Hobbit, Tarah brought me ice chips that were flavored with different flavors. It felt like I was at a hotel haha.  People bringing me treatsies and watching a movie in a great bed. Woohoo! Lets labor everyday!!  
       The Contractions started getting a little more intense but thanks to my Aunt Amy I had some great breathing techniques up my sleeve so that took the edge off.  The staff was quite impressed with  my breathing ps.  (Amy, I did ya proud!) I was told I could get an epidural any time I wanted but I wanted to see how long I could go without. Around 10:30 a doc came in and broke my water and then things started getting real, real quick! Contractions were really hard and intense, I had to switch my breathing to level two! haha.  Contractions were coming about every minute. So just as one finished another would kick up.  This is when I decided it was epidural time!  Too bad the guy was doing one on another lady. So, I had to wait about an hour before they got to me. BAHH!  Tarah helped Damon know how to help take the edge off the contractions by pushing on my legs in a certain way, but it was still pretty sucky. After I got the epidural it took a few contractions for it to kick in. Then I was back to loving life and feeling like I was in a hotel.  The Hobbit had finished and Hunger Games took its place.  That's when Tarah checked me and I had gone from a 4 to a 9 in dilation in less than an hour and it was all the sudden time to push. Whhhhaaaat? Ok.  Wasn't expecting it to happen that fast. Pushing was a ton easier then I imagined.  Good ol epidural!
     I'd get a contraction, Damon and the nurse held my legs I'd push then we'd all watch Hunger Games until the next contraction. Great fun! Especially since I was still getting my flavored ice chips.  I pushed for about an hour and a half and then Indie was here! It was about 5 1/2-6 hour labor from when they induced me to when baby was here. Baby Indie!  August 12th 2013 at 2:21 pm .  She was 7 lbs 8.6 ounces and 20 inches long.    (About five mins before it was time to leave the hospital we still weren't sure what to name baby. And to be honest I still don't feel like her name is Indie. For so long she has been baby, that feels more like her name haha.  But after much indecisiveness and an unsuccessful phone a friend, we decided on Indie Alexis Hadfield. )

     At first she didn't cry, which super freaked me out, and I couldn't see her, so Damon reassured me she was okay and then she let out a few whimpers.  Damon had wanted to cut the cord (which had been wrapped around Indies neck, which is why she is so super pale in the picture) but the doc was too quick for him and cut it real quick. :( bummer. Also, The nurses were skin to skin pro, and I didn't have a strong feeling either way, so after they rubbed baby down with a towel real quick they put her on my chest.  Baby looked right up at me, and then peed all over me haha! 
             I have to admit, my whole pregnancy I was super nervous I was going to have an ugly baby. Let's be honest. Some newborns are pretty ugly.  So, looking at my baby was not what I was expecting.  She had a full head of dark dark hair and I guess I was semi expecting to recognize her or feel some sort of connection. But I didn't.  Even though I just barely had her, I didn't really feel like she was mine. She was so swollen too!  So I was a little like 'uhhhhh, wait really, she's mine? uhhh' 
       They bathed her and cleaned her up.  Even though I didn't feel like she was mine at first, hearing her cry while they bathed her made me want to ball. Didn't like hearing her cry! I was pretty bed ridden, still being stitched up from the delivery and super numb from the epidural.  So I kept telling Damon to go over and make sure she was okay..which is ridiculous because of course she was. It was just a bath...
        We had lots of visitors the first day, which I loved and don't get me wrong, I love that everyone is so supportive and excited to meet little one....But in hind sight I think I would have made everyone wait til the second day to come see us.  Because I had barely had time to hold little one before people started coming, and a lot more people came at once then I expected so it was really hard to watch her be passed around person to person when I just still super wanted to hold her and get to know her.  
         All in All I loved Timp hospital. They spoiled us and really made everything so great! But as it turns out recovery is what I should have been so super nervous about. Not labor.  I tore really bad. Three different spots. One right through my urethra.  Couldn't get out of bed the first day, Second day I was able to get out of bed for maybe 10 mins at a time, and that was with oxycodone and ibuprofen on board.  Third day, the day we went home, I really wasn't feeling good enough to leave. Walking was still so super hard. Everything hurt! I still couldn't get out of bed without help to get the baby and Damon was suppose to go back to work the next day.  When we got home, I balled!  I just really felt so super crummy and sleepy and sore and couldn't get comfortable.  Damon took an extra two days off and stayed with me. I seriously couldn't have done anything without him. He was so thoughtful and helpful! Took about a week and a half before I could survive without an ice pack and granny panties.  Almost three weeks now and I'm feeling sooooo much better!  Thank goodness! 
      We had so many people come and help out which was a life savor too!  Lisa & Jon, Grandma & Grandpa, Joe & Susan, Coralee, the ward, My mom,  Lauren & Felipe, My dad, 

When we got home from the hospital we
were a little overwhelmed by how many
colors we could put on her after the bland
hospital clothes
Popeye face
         Indie is such a great baby! She is so laid back. Most nights she only wakes up once to eat then falls right back to sleep. Some nights she sleeps all the way through.  She never spits up, hardly cries, smiles lots and sleeps a ton!  We just adore her and can't wait for her to grow up so we can do so many fun things with her, and yet at the same time we are already sad at how big she is getting.  It's so fun to have her be so little.  
She usually has big smiles when I go to get her in
the morning from her bassinet 


pooping face




  1. I'm so proud of you. Such cute pictures. Thanks for sharing! Love you guys!


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