8 months


Indie's learned so much in one month. Lots of new tricks.  She can give high fives. She knows how to 'blow' when you tell her to, she clicks her tongue when she see's others do it. She waves and greets people with a hi...'Ha!' When you tell her to 'shake it, shake it'  she will shake her head back and forth.  She zooms after people on her feet if you hold her little hands.  She loves to hide and pop out to hear peek-a-boo.    She will also say 'mama' now. 

This is her wave, or way of saying she likes something
like when we put on baby signing time she will
squeal and wave to the show

 She FINALLY will roll back to tummy. She will swivel around on her tummy, but still shows no interest in crawling. She just wants to walk everywhere!

Indie loves her cousin Phillip. She loves to terrorize him.
She will steal his blankets, passy, shoes and tries to steal his eyes.   When he starts crying though she becomes very concerned for him.  Too bad she hasn't figured out that sometimes its her 'friendship' that makes him cry haha. 

Indie's 7 months here and Philips 2 months

This is a baby blanket fort I made her. She thought she was the bee's knee's in there. 

Things that make Indie sad; teething, when mom leaves the room, when she can't chase people, when we set her down after letting her walk around, not walking around when others are, being tired,  coming in from outside,  putting shoes on,  not socializing,  playing with the same toy for more than a minute, being kept away from the printer and all computer cords, being interrupted from play to get a diaper change and not being allowed to lick the bottom of her parents shoes...We are the meanest! 

Indie's learned how to do the pincher grab for food.  She's also learned how to bite food with her two little teeth, and fingers.

She's slowly leaning how to move her walker around, our apt is too small for her to really get zooming.  Now that it's nicer weather we will have to hit the tennis courts with it! 

We are finally getting more hair and some FUN bed hair. So cute!

She quit nursing for the once a day during our Idaho trip. Miss our cuddles and quite time, but not nursing clothes!

Still loves bath time, but she gets a little frustrated by the lack of walking it involves.  She has learned how to splash though, so that's fun. For now...

Its getting easier to get smiles and laughs our of this little one, which is so rewarding!

Indie's still a very mellow and go-with-the-flow baby, as long as she's near all the action she's content to observe.

I just love these pictures of our girls day pedicures!  She thrives in new environments as long as there's at least one familiar face with her.  

Sometimes you just get sick of sitting and wearing bows...

Indie loves daddy! 
 Every morning she will race walk to the living room and slowly peer over to Damon's computer chair to see if he's sitting there. It's so cute and breaks my heart at the same time.
Just like Daddy, Indie loves her electronics. We let her play games on our phones 'peek-a-boo' and face time, so when she watches Baby shows on the tv or computer she gets frustrated that she can't touch the screen and make the screen change. 

Indie loves;

Eating (especially pickles and chicken and anything she can feed herself), her exersaucer,  the Lorax, baby signing time,  blankets, her stuffed dog and cat and baby,
animals, outside, walking, mommy, daddy, family, talking, chasing things, other kids and babies,  Dancing, watching other people dance, watching mom and dad hug,

watching the washer fill up with water, touching the kitchen faucet, anything that dangles, her carseat straps, bubbles, books, her paci's, phones, the printer, newspaper, singing, music, splashing and a bunch of other stuff I can't think of just yet.

Loving on Great Grandpa during conference weekend

The mass slaughter of her mobile toys.  She finally got them.  

Indie adores her aunt Lauren!
She's wearing cousin Phillip's onesie here because of a big blow out.

We get lots more owies and bonks now that she tries to stand, its quite saddy!

We adore playing outside!  She's a Hadfield!

 Indies absolute favorite thing to play with is her big soft pink blanket from my friend Susan.  She rolls around in it and kisses it, hugs it,  she simply adores it!  I'll hide it around the house and we'll go walking to find where it is.

 Here's to month 8!


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