Internship and Summer fest!

              Damon has a full time paid Internship!  We are extremely happy and excited, so grateful for a job! It's with a company called AgReserve and is in SLC.  His first day was last Wednesday.  He already loves all of the people he is working with and there's a great perk for us... they've gone and bought Damon a Trax pass! So, we save on gas and wear'n' tear on the car.  Which means I have a car to buzz around town with Indie while he is gone. WOOHOOO!  
           The internship will last until the end of August with a possibility of being hired on (if the lady he is replacing decides not to come back from maternity leave.) Fingers crossed that her baby is amazing and she loves staying at home!
          To celebrate we went out to Olive garden on Saturday.  After the waitress went to get our waters and let us decide what to order Indie looked at me and asked for 'noonols?'  She knows what she likes! I swear her body is made up of 50% noodles and 50% apple sauce.   
After Olive Garden we went over to Orem's Summer fest.  Indie was extremely quiet the whole way over, and when we pulled her out we finally knew why.  Hello there sticker legs...She was very vocal about the fact that she would like the stickers to remain on her legs. Forever.  We ended up putting sunscreen on all around them.  (That poor lone sticker on her left leg)

 She also wanted to carry her Kitty backpack, she adores it. We are definitely in the stage of 'Indie do it.'  It's a good thing we aren't usually rushing places, because the 'Indie do it' way is proven to take up to 5 times longer.  It's been a really fun stage so far, to see her growing and learning so much.  Although sometimes a little frustrating. For all. 


We let Indie choose which face she wanted.  I was glad she chose a semi simple one, because although she loves doing make up at home, I wasn't sure if she would like the face paint when we actually got down to doing it. She did great!  She loved it. Sat so still. 

She called it pretty and signed happy.  I was dying over how big she's getting.  She looks like a little kid not my tiny baby... :(

Then it was off to the rides.  She, of course, loved them. (note the little girl next to us. Her face is probably my favorite thing) 

This was her first big kid ride, by herself.  So big! When the ride started going it startled her and then she became all business and very concentrated on turning the wheel. 

The bee ride with Daddy!

The boat ride, ringing the bell...

.... and ringing the bell ....(that poor woman who ran this ride all day and listened to the non-stop bell ringing...)

 steering the vessel to safety 

What a great day!

We went home and took a late nap before coming back for the Parade and fireworks. She was a little haggard and tired. Too much fun. 

Indie loved the parade though. She thought it was her personal mission to wave to every single person on every float. She gave out lots of kisses and signed hug, only stopping when she was thrown candy to eat and strengthen her waving hand. 

 We watched the parade with Lauren, Felipe & Phillip, then caught a few more rides for the cousins to experience together. The lines became extremely long, which was kinda a bummer. 

Then it was offer to fireworks!  Indie loved them. She kept holding her feet up to the fireworks, trying to touch them with her toes.  She snuggled in close between Mom and Dad and rarely made a sound.  It was an amazing day with a great ending.  Definitely the latest Indie has ever been awake! Worth it!


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