Baby number 2, first trimester

       On July 26 2015, we found out we are pregnant! Baby #2 is on the way! We decided to take out my IUD and start trying and my next cycle I was pregnant. So, we were definitely hoping for next baby.  

       Madison gave us a BUNCH of her left over pregnancy tests and it was really hard not test every day.  Damon ended up trying to help me out by hiding the pregnancy test so I wouldn't take them all before it was even possible to get a positive read. I spent all of nap time one day trying to track them down, finally I got Damon to tell me haha. 

      I took a pregnancy test early in the morning. I had to wake Damon up to go pee with me. He wanted to be there when the second line appeared meaning 'positive!' I didn't love him being there with me. Felt like pressure... the pregnancy tests were hidden under a heavy dresser so he had to lift it so I could get one out anyways.  Anyways, I peed and after a second it said positive! Damon was kind of a downer. He thought that since the test line was a little more faint than the control, that that made it less than positive. I think this was our fourth or fifth time testing this month though (hence hiding the rest of the tests) and any sort of line was new news!  Pregnant!

     Indie was crying in her crib so we went and grabbed her. She was kinda grumpy all morning due to busy days this last week and missed naps, so I started feeling really overwhelmed about adding another baby to the crazy. Then started worrying me about birth defects or miscarriages. Damon's a lot more positive than me and was/is just excited and already anxious to get the baby here.  The baby's due date will be April 3 2016. If it's anything like indie though, a late appearance will be deemed more fashionable. I'm hoping hoping hoping for another girl. Damon wants a boy. So we shall see. The long wait begins! 

Week 4 
We found out we are pregnant! Having some boob pain and lots of ligament pain. Mild cramping. (I felt cramping all during Indie's pregnancy, it's how I knew she was growing)  

Week 6
I have lots of magical acne, owie, stupid acne! There's ligament pain and I'm easily exhausted oooh and acid reflux, which didn't start with Indie till 3rd trimester. Mean trick second baby! I've been waking up the past two weeks at 5 am for no reason and not able to sleep well after that. A little bit of nausea, I feel like I constantly need to eat to not feel sick. Boob pain! 

Week 7
 I have to get up to pee Every night at around 1. Always feel nauseated when I go back to bed. I feel tired a lot and am sad at how much tv Indies ending up watching. I hate hate hate my prenatals!!!!!  So gross, I want to vomit every time I take them. I'm extremely moody and the constipation has begun, always a great combo. 

I can't ever eat: spinach, meat! 
Always eat: Popsicles, watermelon, grapes, pretzels, Caramel rice cakes.

Week 8: 
Damon is the most kind husband on the planet. He is so understanding and compassionate of my morning sickness and fatigue, he's constantly getting things for me and happy to do so (or he's great at acting) He is always urging me to rest or nap and has just been so super great with taking over indie duty when he gets home from work. Today was the first day Indie kissed and hugged my belly. We've told her before that there is a baby in there, but today when she almost jumped on me, I reminded her that she needed to be so gentle because the baby is so little and could get hurt. So, we have to be soft, she began stroking my belly and then without being promoted she kissed and hugged it then giggled and said 'baby hiding.' It warmed my heart. Such a tender moment. 

Right now my morning sickness is all over the place, some days it's constant others it's only for a few intense hours, sometimes it comes when I don't eat, or it comes when I do eat. Overall I feel a little more ease when I'm up and doing things, but then I get so dang tired and sometimes that back fires.  I feel like I'm already showing. 

Week 9 
We spent a lot of time at the cabin and I think a major contributor to my morning sickness is the heat. The cabin was always chilly to me and I felt a lot less sick up there.  My morning sickness is at its worst at night around dinner time and then just ramps up til I fall asleep. Damon (as always) treats me like a queen. 

Week 10
Things have kicked up a bit in the way of nausea, fatigue, and pee! I'm waking up 2-3 times a night to pee. Which is not a favorite. I've also started wearing maternity garments. The others were just too tight around my belly! Hurt to sleep on them. I am def showing already. Which is insane to me. I didn't show with indie til 15-16 weeks. I seem to be extremely emotional when it comes to food. 
(This is with baby 2 at 9 weeks on the left, then with Indie at 15-16 weeks on the right)

I got to see the baby today! Tiny little gummy bear! It was so great to see the little heart beating and see its tiny little moves. It was a bit of a bummer though, we found out late last night that Indie has strep and Damon had to stay home with her while I went to the appointment. He was sad to miss it, and I was very sad as well. I took some pictures and the worlds shortest video. Baby is measuring 3 days smaller than what my lmp says it should, but we are keeping the same due date of April 3rd! This baby was very calm and sleepy compared to a wiggly Indie at her first ultrasound! I'm still holding on to my pre pregnancy weight at 135. I was 120 pre pregnancy with Indie...So never did get rid of that last 15 lbs...

Week 13
I feel magical again!  Starting to organized and clean the house like a fiend. Indie and I actually do things together besides TV, and dinner is being home made again! (I cringe to think of all the money we spent on quick meal trips, no no, just don't think of it. Too saddy!)  I still get up to pee once or twice every night and have tiny bouts of nausea, but second trimester here we come! So ready!  First trimester you're kinda a downer.  This pregnancy, so far, has been a bit more intense than Indie's was. Damon wants to chalk that up to it being a boy...ya, ya, we shall see!

Here's how we found out we were pregnant with Indie, in case you aren't ready for the fun to stop yet. 


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