Christmas Dance recital

             Indie had her very first dance recital today!  It was just a small event the last bit of her class. I'll admit, I was so excited for it that I woke up at 6:00 this morning and couldn't fall back asleep.  Indie & I were so thrilled that Damon was able/willing to take a long lunch so he could be there.  (Only having one car between us usually isn't too big of an inconvenience, especially since Damon gets free public transportation through his job. However, to get us both to the recital was a little tricky. We were lucky enough to have my Grandma come get Indie and I.  She spent the morning with us to make it possible for Damon to attend Indie's (little) big day.)

         When we got to dance class the tinies practiced their dance numbers a few times with parents and family outside of the studio before letting us come in and watch.  Santa came too, which you'd think would have been a positive thing. It wasn't. Over half the toddlers lost it.  There was crying in terror and refusal to dance.  Indie was fine with Santa being there. Although, she was a little confused and disconcerted by all her friends crying. Hind sight, Santa should have come at the end.  

          Anyways, the studio told us the last 15 mins of class would be our recital time, but they started a little earlier. So, Damon missed Indie's first number and the beginning of the second.  I was pretty bummed about that.  It was an awful lot of crying and confusion amidst a few half hearted dance attempts on the tiny girl's parts though.  He didn't miss much.  After Santa left they ran the numbers again. It was a lot less hectic for the kids. Indie, however, had gotten some bubbles and a candy cane from Santa and was a little devastated to leave those behind to dance again.    

          When Damon came into the studio and took a seat by me   Indie noticed him immediately and her face lit up like nobodies business. She wanted to come run and see him but was conflicted by knowing she was suppose to be dancing. Her compromise was to stand very still and lean in his direction.

      All in all it was a great moment.  Indie's still so little, but seems so big as her abilities and interests grow.  I love seeing her be her own person.  We are very proud of her!  Her dance studio does a great job of teaching and most importantly making sure she has fun.  


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