Elf on The Shelf

We've conquered our first year with elf on the shelf.  When I told Indie that we were going to have someone new come stay with us for the holidays she lit up and yelled 'Uncle Mikey?!' ... Not quite. Indie named our dainty little Elf, Lily. 

The first night Lily came to be, Indie would sporadically run to her.  She would whisper her hopes and dreams into Lily's elf ear, careful to not touch her.  Indie only ever asked for two things for Christmas: the game mousetrap and scissors.  Lily was reminded often of these gifts.

 We did pretty good at moving Lily every night, although sometimes it wasn't until Estelle's 5 am feeding that I'd remember.  Most of Lily's movements were basic around the house hideouts.  I've posted my favorites on the blog though.  I love the magic Lily captured and the fun it brought to the season. 

Indie was so tickled to be able to bring Lily to her Christmas dance recital.  All the kids in her class got a kick out of it.

Lily followed us to Star for the holiday break. 

She left this note:

Well, Indie & Stellie you tricked me you see
I went to your house & thought that's where you'd be.

It was empty & quiet & it made me quite sad.
So, I looked high and low with the magic I had

I found you nestled in at this new fun big house
So I crept in so quiet just like a small mouse

& tucked in my arms was something you'll need
 some Christmas-like stories I know that you'll read

Til next year Miss Lily!


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