Oregon Trip

A little after Indie's birthday we took off to Oregon to visit my Dad.  Damon had to stay behind and work.  Damon hasn't come with me to Oregon since we were newlyweds! (Our trip and baby Katelyn and Damon here)  Hopefully we can go all as a family next summer!  Stella took right to Papa David this trip and snugged with him often. 

Indie spent a lot of her time in the little hot tub in the backyard.  The goggles were a must. 

Stella loved Sunny, unless he barked.  She tried to feed him anything and everything she could find. Rocks, PB&J's, barkdust...

(She laid down with Sunny when I told him to lay)

Papa David took the kids on a ton of bike rides.  Setting up the trailer required much help and supervision from the kids. 

Indie had a friend over and they all loved the bunnies to death. 

We played at the park for a short bit.  Dad had all the kids on the playground playing hot lava monster with him and Indie. 

We had some yummy huge cookies and small hamburgers while the kids played in the splash pad.  

We were in Oregon for the big eclipse!  Most of Dad's family went the night before to a relatives house and camped out on her farm, right in the path of the full eclipse.  Dad, the kids, and I decided to get up early the next morning and try and meet up. 

On the way down Indie asked lots of questions about eclipse's and kept telling me, 'Mom, I just want to learn!'

  Indie was super delighted to find a friend and a zipline to help pass the time to eclipse totality. 


My step brother Corry found the cutest little frog, Stella was so enthralled by it!

Such a cool experience.  Traffic on the way home was awful, but worth it!

We took the Max to the children's museum.  I thought riding the Max would be a fun, train like, experience for the kids.  Negative. They hated having to sit and wait through all the spots. 

Thank goodness for the distraction of snacks!

Stella was in heaven at the rock and digger station in the museum. She LOVES rocks.  

Indie was in heaven in the pretend veterinary clinic. 

Peach picking!

Indie's favorite part of our trip was going to Oaks park.  She was in heaven. 

 Don't worry that we forgot to check what time the amusement park opened.  We accidentally arrived 2 hours too early.  Bah!  So we went and killed time at a McDonalds play place.  The little happy meal toy Indie got there she carted onto every single ride with her. 

Dad was such a good sport.  He tried to help Stella ride multiple rides, despite having motion sickness.  Stella wasn't very interested. Indie however convinced Papa David to come on a few too many rides with her.  Poor Dad.  He ended up feeling sick for a few days after. 

This link fence was probably Estelle's favorite part of the park. 

Indie rode these slides at least twenty times.  She LOVED them. 

Beach Day!!

Stella loved being buried, until we covered her hands.  Then she just enjoyed sitting in the hole. 

We had a great trip!  These kids sure tired out Papa David and I!  The kids did a great job traveling the 7 hours there and back.  We only had to make one stop each direction for potty and gas! 


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