Griffin's one month!

Sweet little Finn is probably our most opinionated baby.  He cries the most and the loudest out of our littles.    Our girls never cried when they woke up, or when they were hungry.  They'd just gnaw on their hands and grunt politely waiting to be noticed. But Griffin, he wakes up crying like a banshee.  It's a bit of a culture shock.  We don't really need a baby monitor for Finn.  We can hear  him anywhere in the house once he's awake. 

Finn cries during diaper changes, clothing changes, when he's in his swing, in the car seat, in the bath.  He hate being cold, so naturally he also hates being naked.  He isn't really a fussy baby, he just knows what he likes and what he doesn't. If he doesn't like it, he's gunna let it be known, at the highest volume possible.  

When Griffin is in the throws of despair and crying his loudest, he likes to grab his eyes and his face and hold on.  He loves his little hands by or on his face, like most newborns. 

Finn's a Mama's boy.   He has a hard time being content with anyone besides me.  Which is really a bummer, because Damon loves to hold him, but Finn grunts and complains and seems overall discontent most of the time.  

Griffin loves sleeping chest to chest on me, curled up in a ball.  He is still in the super sleepy newborn phase and sleeps 3 hours at a time during the day, like clockwork.  He naps in his rock and play, in his swing, or on me.  He has to be swaddled to be in the swing, otherwise he thinks he's being murdered. 

At night we have just started putting him down around 7-8, instead of keeping him up til we go to bed.  He consistently wakes up at 12:30, 3:30 and 6:30 to eat and poop. 

Speaking of which, Finn poops like a champ.  So so so so many diapers.  He also nurses like a champ and is starting to get a little more chub on his bones.  

Griffin is very sensitive to what I eat. Jury is still out on whether or not he has reflux, but he definitely doesn't like it when I eat chocolate or soda.  He will projectile vomit all day long and be in heart wrenching discomfort for about 24 hours.  I'm going through chocolate withdrawals. I mean, obviously it's worth it.  But still...I miss chocolate. 

Griffin's grown out of almost all his newborn clothes and is still too small for most of his 0-3 outfits.  

Poor little dude has been battling some nasty goop eyes for a few weeks now.  They've gotten better, but still act up every morning.

Finn still has hardly any head control, but he's waking up more and smiling occasionally at my stupid baby voice.  So that's been fun.  He loves to stare at the ceiling fan in our room, lights, and his sisters.

I've really been enjoying Griffin's infancy, and am sad to see him growing so quickly. He's such a sweetheart.  Here's to one month old!

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