Finn's 2 month update.

Griffin is 2 months old and just as cute as can be. This past month Finn had his first cold. Poor baby.  The worst part of his first sickies was the day of high fevers.   He was so miserable and couldn't sleep, even when constantly rocked, swayed, snugged, and boobed. It broke our hearts. 

We've been dealing with thrush since little guy was a few weeks old. After a full round of meds, we were still not able to put a dent in it.  Boiling his binkies and syringes anytime they popped out of his mouth turned out to be a fruitless hassle.  

We started Finn on reflux meds and it seems to be helping him.  He still has random days where he is in obvious discomfort and can't sleep despite being exhausted. Those episodes are becoming fewer and farther between.

Griffin had his first giggle.  It was directed towards a particularly hilarious purple star balloon. He's yet to find anything as funny since and has gone on a giggle strike. 

Finn finds it hard to sleep when so many things around him are so fun to look at.  He doesn't like to nurse to sleep, because of his reflux.  So much spit up. When he nurses to sleep he'll tend to just eat, and eat, and eat, as he soothes himself, then vomits it all back up. So, more often then not we swaddle and walk him to help him to sleep.  We have to put a burp cloth over his face sometimes. It seems to help him remember how to close his eyes and sleep. 

When I hold Finn on my chest to help him sleep, he will progressively get more and more tired. But, before he finally closes his eyes and sleeps, he'll look up at me. Every time.  I'd like to think it's to check to make sure I'm still there, but who knows. 

12-3 seems to be Finn's sweet spot for napping.  Sleep is kinda out the window right now, since we were gone on a trip and his schedule was shot.  He does love his bed though.  Almost every night he would start to get discontent with all the family holding him and he'd just want to be put in his bed.  He and Indie both loved their beds to sleep. 

Right now he sleeps 6-7 hours his first stretch at night, then again for 3-4.  I'm so glad he finally stopped pooping every single feeding. It makes nights so much easier. 

I will always feel guilty of how much more Griffin cries than the girls did as babies.  I think some of it is his temperament. He definietly knows what he likes, and what he doesn't and he's not afraid to tell you. However, I know that part of it is being the third baby. He has to wait for me to help the big kids, which makes him sad. He hates his car seat, which makes him sad.  But we have to drive, and his siblings have to be helped.  He's probably cried more in 2 months, than his sisters did in their whole first years. For real though.  

Every morning Finn is the happiest right when he wakes up.  He is all smiles and coo's.  I'd be lying if I said the smiles were all for me though. I'm second favorite.  Taking a backseat to the ceiling fan, the bare walls, the window and a riotous purple star balloon.

We love our little baby.  He's such a sweet blessing.  So snuggly!  Happy Two months!

Photo Dump


  1. Jealous of his sleep at night! Peter still gives me about 3-5 hours as his longest stretch.


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