Finn's 4 Month update.

This month has been a bit rough, our family has been hit hard by this winter with sickies. The roughness of the month is reflected by the fact that I took less than 40 pictures of little Finny. Probably I usually take a least a thousand.  I'm that mom. 

Finn is giggling more and more.  He laughs the most when you talk to him.  He thinks the words 'ready' and 'woah' are hilarious.  If he's not tired those words always get a laugh. He loves to be chatted to. 

Finn is ticklish almost everywhere.  His back though, holy cow he's ridiculously ticklish on his back. Just brushing a finger against his spine makes him jerk and smile involuntarily.

Poor Griffin has some pretty poor head control.   He's been the worst out of our babies.  In his defense he does have some pretty chub-a-licous cheeks.  Probably half his body weight is in his cheeks. He's constantly drooping his neck to rest his chin on his chest.  We are working on tummy time, which always ends up in sadness and spit up. 

Right now Finn's got a cold.  It's the cause of much sadness and sleep. Unfortunately the sleep part is dependent on me holding him and letting him comfort nurse.  He won't sleep any other way.  You can imagine how this has affected our day to day. Lots of shows, and lots of mess going on in the Hadfield home right now. 

Finn loves the to sit up. Droopy head and all.  He has no interest in trying to stand.  He's got legit noodle legs.   He doesn't like laying in the swing either.  He loves to be held (understatement), and he loves his bumbo.  If he's ever reclined in your arms he struggles to sit up into droopy head position. 

Little man hasn't rolled yet, but he's has just barely started going on his side to try and touch surrounding objects. And by just barely I mean, last night. 

Finn will raises his eyebrows, when you engage him.  His quick eyebrow raise is always a precursor to a smile.

Griffin loves to be loved on.  He will stalk you with his eyes from across the room. When you acknowledge him he flails all his limbs and smiles at the ceiling only to fall still again, watching you. Waiting. Waiting for some more loves.  He isn't picky, he'll take something as small as eye contact as a love.  

Finn used to love, love, love his kick and play.  He's grown weary of it. If he can't sits, he fits. 

Finn is a Mama's boy. I feel a special bond with him. I'm not sure if that's because he's the baby and probably our last, or if it's because he's the only boy.  It could be because he's literally attached to me 24/7 these days... At any rate, despite the sickies and hardships of this month, I'm just lovin the relationship that's growing between me and this little man. 

Griffin will not take a bink anymore.  It's been a few weeks since he's has.  Let's all have a moment of silence here. This is grave. Finn acts like he doesn't know how to latch on to it anymore and often ends up more hysterical when we try to give it to him.  Damon and I are still in mourning. 

Finn loves to suck on his fists and his fingers.  It's no bink. 

This whole month Finn's been sleeping in his crib at nights. Huzzah!  It takes about 2 hours to get him down at night.  Pretty usual for him. 

Griffin loves to talk, all the time.  It cracks me up when he does it while nursing too.

Finn loves his sisters. Indie is so great to rush to his side anytime he makes a peep of discontent. She signs him the skinnamarink song.  She only sings it for him, and it's so precious. Stella mostly just laughs like a maniac whenever she chooses to grace Finn with her presence. She's such a cute little weirdy. 

We love you Finn!  Hopefully warmer weather and better immune systems are just around the corner. 
No photo dump. (sad face)


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