Finn's 18 Month

Finn is just a beautiful boy.  Inside and out.  He's got blondy blondy hair with big deep dark brown eyes and a cutie tan chubby body. Rolling into 18 months is bringing out a lot of toddler, but he's still a baby. He'll always be our baby. Stella's 'cute little Buh-buh's', Indie's 'Fiiiiiiinnnnnn', Damon's 'Mr. Finn', and my baby. 

Finn has started walking, much to our relief.  He's taken off with it, no worries, no problem.  He's still pretty awkward looking, but is steady and strong.  He is now learning the wonderful joys and dangers of being a shadow.  He gets knocked down a fair amount. 

Finn still loves to sign, nurse, be found silly, and still loves men. He greets strangers with big smiles and waves, and outreached arms, ready to be your best friend.  If your a man. 

Finn loves to yell: 'TADA! When he enters a room, with a big smile. He also will call out enthusiaticly 'MEEEEE!' Whenever we ask a 'Who wants...' question. 

Finn is so observant and expressive.  He notices things our girls still haven't questioned.  You can't watch anything too mature with Finn around, because romance, violence, or anything above PG graphics make him very concerned. He pays very close attention to what's happening around him. 

Finn is very aware of feelings, and will drop everything to come to his sister's aid when they cry. He will stay by Indie & Stella's side until they stop crying. Which has actually been super helpful with Stella's passionate feelings.  She adores Finn and finds him to be the cutest Finner, so when he tries to cheer her up, she wipes her tears and obliges.  She won't do that for anyone else. Indie however gets more upset usually, because she thinks he's laughing at her and making light of her pain. 

Finn loves to growl and chase people, or be chased.  

Finn is horrible at waking up from naps. He wakes up in the grumpiest mood, and takes a good 10-20 mins to come out of it. A quick snack, and an episode of baby signing time while snuggling with blankie is about all we can do till he's weathered his storm.  

Finn is more physically aggressive when he's upset.  If he gets frustrated its common for him to HAVE to throw something, or hit, or bite, to have some sort of outlet for his big emotions.  If you take away all the choices for throwing or hitting or biting he will just bite himself. He has to get that anger out physically before he can calm down and reset.  As soon as he works out the anger he immediately curls into a little baby rolly polly and wants to be scooped up in your arms and cuddled.

He is a love bug. He loves his cuddles, he loves resting his head on your shoulder. He loves his blankies.  

It's easy to skip naps with Finn, which is great for third baby. He adapts well to new situations, new people, new schedules, he's so easy going. Until he's not. But I mean, aren't we all. 

Finn says: mama, amen, Dada, water, blanket, tada, all done, more, please, thank you, baby, Stella, indie, dog, ball, car, hat, outside, downstairs, shoe, night night, sleep, rock, sad, and i'm sure i'm missing some words.  He loves to jabber, and asks a lot of questions in his own language.  His body language is super expressive, and easy to understand.

Finn loves to sing and dance.

Finn follows directions really well, and understands so much.  He is very obedient and tries his hardest to follow what he's asked. 

Finn has had two more seizures since his first, they were one right after the other, and also when he had a fever.  His second seizure episode came with some breathing complications, but he was able to pass through the episode without serious incident and we've been doing great since. 

Finn loves cheese, frozen blueberries, apple sauce, noodles, and any other classic kid food there is.  

He loves bugs and to squish them dead and loves to pull up plants because he's been seeing me weed a lot lately.  So he thinks its just what you do.   I will not, however, take credit for the death toll of the rolly polly's and spiders that he is racking up. 

When I think of Finn, I think happy, joyful, compassionate, silly, obedient, sweet, loving.  He's truly such a joy and blessing to our family. 

Photo Dump:


  1. Dang I love your pictures. And holy cow! He knows a ton of words! Peter's still currently at moo, neigh, woof, and mama... and that's it! It's fun to see where babies have their different strengths.


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