Indie's 6 year update
If you pressed me for a snap shot of Indie right now. (No one has in the history of ever, yet here we are.) I could fill pages about this Indie girl. Just like thousands of six year old's before her Indie is giddy about so many things. The things that embody the beauty of childhood. The magic. Unicorns, fairies, rainbows, sparkles, creating, imagining, bossing, being praised, staying up late, one on one time, being swept up in an adventure, autonomy. What little human doesn't swoon at those things?
Indie still believe in 'Nocturnals'. The self imagined group of people she thinks exist as a polar opposite to all the humans functioning in the day. She will pray for the Nocturnals occasionally during our family prayers at night. Wishing for them to have a beautiful night, as she understands that to be their day. She is still struggling with the idea that these Nocturnals might out Santa and his magical path during Christmas time. But goodness I love the innocence of her assumptions that I can't bring myself to correct her. If we get to 16 and Nocturnals are still a thing, then we'll probably address it. Or watch Indie write a fantastic novel. It's a toss up.
Indie adores back scratches, I'm talking eyes rolling to the back of her head. Melt on the floor mid-sentence kind of love.
Indie loves fruit and vegetables the same way other kids love candy. She often asks for fruit plants for her birthday so we can plant them and eat them whenever. Indie devours all berries, watermelon, cucumbers, sweet peas, & carrots. She hates potatoes, french fries, hash browns, doesn't matter how you slice it and serve it. She's not interested.
Indie Journals every night. She pours over books with her flashlight as she falls asleep. Her bed resembles a small bookshelf that has lost its shelf. Which left scores of displaced books to seek refuge in twisted mermaid sheets and fluffy pink blankets. All of which are littered with stuffed animals and used tissues.
Honestly I don't even know what the tissue thing is all about. But Indie has to sleep with a roll of toilet paper. She can not have any moisture on her pillow. I'm assuming she uses it in case her eyes water? Some nights Indie insists on laying a hand towel on her pillow as an extra moisture barrier. Shes not crying or anything. Maybe the late night reading makes her eyes leak? I'm realizing I should probably have prodded into what's happening here sooner than 1 year into this ritual. Hold tight one more year and maybe I'll have an update for you when she turns 7.
Indie loves organizing. When I took Indie school shopping she quickly bypassed all the fun, colorful, expressive pencil boxes and decisively clung to a plain Sterilite container. It had a divider, you see, and what could be more wonderful then the ability to organize your first grade crayon needs? She was absolutely blissful.
In that same vein Indie also loves plans. She has contingency plans for her contingency plans. She loves routine and regulation. She will spout off her plans and methodical aspirations for how her imaginative games are to sprawl out.
There are few things that will send Indie into a meltdown anymore, save her carefully laid plans being dashed (usually coupled with exhaustion or hunger. Raise your hand if you can relate. uuhhh...ME!). Indie is at such a magical age however. Her ability to reason, empathizes and view other perspectives is so beautiful. Once Indie understand the cause of the plan change she is quick to pull herself together and bare it.
Indie is confidant, she is happy to do what she wants in a social setting, feeling unpressed to follow the crowed. Yet she is unafraid to join in when she likes what she sees her peers doing. I hope this continues from now until forever.
Indie is kind, and loving, but can be so internal with her thoughts and feelings at times that we have to help her express and communicate in social settings. I've worried at times about her lack of remorse, or rather lack of expressing remorse. I've come to realize she feels it deeply, but is very unsure of how to show it, what to say, and overall uncomfortable with expressing it. Once we give Indie a reason and a basic understanding of why she should do XYZ in a social setting she eagerly applies it. However it doesn't always come naturally to her at first. She likes that logical, analytical breakdown.
Understanding is everything to this child. To her core she wants to know why, and although she doesn't ask many questions, the ones she does ask usually cut deep to the root of an issue or idea. She will silently digest the information you give her, and internalize any criticism, sincerely trying to apply whatever she's learned.
Being wrong or in the wrong is very hard for Indie. She doesn't deal well with feeling as if she's done anything other than her best. This has been a constant conversation in our home, especially as we've ventured more into a formal educational setting. We sincerely believe that failure is crucial for any type of growth. We talk and talk about open mind thinking, talking kind to our brains, having a growth mindset. We discuss the science of how our brains grow, we try to arm her with tools to combat the inevitable guilt and shame we all are familiar with when we fall below the expectation we've set for ourselves. I really hope some of our conversations are being internalized. As for now, true to form, Indie mostly digests our conversations silently. I just pray it is taking deep root. Every Mothers wish for her child. Please let them be kind to themselves and continue on after 'failing'.
Indie isn't like any other 6 year old. Because, for the first time in the history of ever she is our 6 year old, and we are hers. Curly hair that stubbornly refuses to grow, thin bodied & doe eyed. She is ever observant and silent more often then not, but not because she is shy. She is just Indie. Responsible and good natured.
Indie'll scooter instead of walking, thank you very much. Toast Jam for breakfast please. Half covered with strawberry jam, and half to be smothered in strawberry bagel topping. Self proclaimed adventure girl. We love you.
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