Finn's 2 Year update

Our baby is two years old. 

I often ask Finn if he is big or little.  Are you a big boy or a baby, Buddy?  Without fail he answers BABY!!! and then buries his little body in my embrace. I'll take it as long as I can.  He is such a sweetheart.  Always asking for 'Hand, Mom-B?' & 'Hug, Mom-B?' which is to say 'hold me Mom?' 

Yes.  I am MOm-B.  We are all curious who usurped the Mom-A position.  Finn has been renamed Finn-B by natural consequence. We also call him FinnFinn, Buddy, Baby, and Finn....B 

After Finn's last seizure he slipped into a personality and temperament we didn't recognize, which was difficult.  Everyday we are seeing more and more of his true personality come out. Sweet, happy and overly insistent.

Finn will verbally assault anyone who he feels has done him wrong, misunderstood him, or might try to change his mind.  He'll berate you with insistent 'no's', brow furrowed voice booming. If you don't help him redirect he'll slowly get closer and closer to you. Ready to physically rough you up.  It can be quite intense to have the misfortune to have crossed Finn. Stella seems to be the most common victim of this explosion.  She is quite the willing victim however.  Provoking often and wilting to the floor dramatically at the first sign of retaliation.  Quite a few family members have been on the receiving end of Finn's disdain.  Hell hath no fury like a Finn accidentally calling the wrong grandparent on Facetime. 

If you haven't fallen out of Finn's good graces you'll find him silly.  You'll find him happy, and careless about where he throws his body. You'll find him singing, looking for cuddles and wondering where the heck his blankies are.

Finn is very strict about what you let him take to bed with him.  He wants one water, three stuffed animals (bear, lion and dinosaur-'shhh'shhh'sawur') two baby blankies & one Daddy blankie. He becomes very offended if you try to sneak in a book or two. 

Which is interesting because Finn loves to read.  He will sit still in your lap for hours reading book after book with complete attention.  His very favorites right now are 'It's not a box', 'Boo', 'Going on a Bear Hunt', & 'Moo, Baa, Lalala'.

When Finn snugs you he surrenders his whole body to yours.  Every muscle relaxed, leaning into you. chubby arms tucked to his chest, head on your shoulder. Ever content to be loved.  Every morning & post nap Finn needs this physical connection to help ground him and reorient him.  Then a switch flips and he's ready to take off and barrel around the house.  Post seizure he has not found that switch though, and needs quite a bit of coaxing to get him to play or leave our side.  Lately Daddy has been the chosen shoulder Finn wants.  Its both endearing and taxing on both Damon & my patience.

Finn is fearless.  He calmly gets his blood drawn, no squirms or complaints.  He giggled through is EEG despite the restraint and multiple leads sticking into his head.  He happily charms everyone he passes with his little rain boots and determined smile. He is very friendly, unless...  Unless you have the misfortune of initiating a passing hello when winds are in the East. Then you've done it. Triggered the verbal assault mode and had best leave while you can.

Finn is very communicative although he doesn't have many words, and those he does have all sound very similar. Context clues are our best friend.  He has very expressive body language and his mind seems to be exploding right now with imitating each and every word he hears. 

Finn lets many things roll off his back happily and unencumbered, but every once and a while a 'no,' or cautionary word of correction will break his heart into a million bits and his little tender heart will bleed.  He'll sob in big gulps and needs scooped up and rocked and loved and loved and loved.

Finn loves music.  His favorite songs right now are 'bad guy', 'this little light of mine', 'baby shark', and 'high hopes'.  He will sing songs and lullabys to himself in his crib as he falls asleep and it's the cutest thing to hear him echoing the soft tunes I've rocked him with for the past two years.  'baby mine,'  'Mama loves you', ( Although Finn insists that the lyrics be changed to Papa loves you... and no one else. Just Papa. Over and over again.   Papa has been the chosen one since birth) Finn'll sing along to songs on the radio that I had no idea he knew.  It's pretty fun.

Finn is very possessive.  His signature phrase is now 'MINE SHARE'  as he truly believes the word share is meant to aid him in his quest to conquer all for his own.

Finn loves chocolate chips, eggs, apple sauce.  He likes Wall-E, PJ Mask, & Little Einstiens.   He is obsessed with colors.  His favorite being Purple. He loves the Moon.  He has an opinion on what he wears.  His favorite game right now is to climb onto our backs and beckon us to look for him.  He giggles as the suspense builds before we discover he was on our back the whole time.  This game on repeat.  The ending is never spoiled though. No matter how many times we have just found Finn-B  on our backs after absently twirling in dramatic circles trying to find him...He is always just as tickled to have been discovered just where we left him seconds ago since the last discovery.

We adore our little boy.  He is so precious to our family. Our forever baby. Our sweet boy.  Our insistent boy.  We love you Finn-B.

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