Indie's Seven

What to say about this beautiful soul who came to our family seven whole years ago. Seven is big.  Seven fits in a whole world of life and change.  And yet, Indie hasn't changed much.  She came as she is and we are doing our best to foster her beauty.  I feel like I've spent so much of my adulthood trying to get back to myself.  I think the world could do with some pure unadulterated Indie in it.  Lets hope we can help her make it out of childhood not too battered in other's versions of herself. I love seeing her life and am so excited where else it takes her. 

Seven years has seen Indie through a lot of moves, adventures, and moments.  So many moments. I wonder which ones she'll look back on fondly.  I wonder which ones she'll hold on to with pain.  I wonder what the future holds for us, for her. I wonder.

Indie has always been a calming presence in our home.  She listens, has a thirst to do good, loves to learn and wants to please.  She often encourages others to do the same.  She seeks out playmates wherever we go. She is happy to do what she'd like to do regardless of what others are engaged in. She will follow what her head wants before being swayed by the wants of others. She gets shy to dance in front of others.  She has to be in a certain mood to engage in silly. 

Indie has a love of books.  It's common for her to read through a chapter book in a day.  She'll stay up late in her top bunk adorned with twinkle lights, littered in books. 

She has a hard time with writing.  The print doesn't come quickly and she does not like to do anything wrong. Especially not repeatedly.  Despite this Indie surrounds herself with journals that she fills with thoughts and novels. She is currently on chapter 2 of 5 in her Indie Takes a Bath novel.  

Indie will lose herself in building Lego worlds and in writing songs about friendship. She loves to climb rocks and trees when they present themselves but seldom seeks them out.  She loves note cards and sticky notes, letters and pens.  

Indie is quiet. She likes to sing with heart though slightly off pitch and a few octaves high. She holds a bit of herself on the inside.  It is rare to hear a complaint from her mouth.  She takes a lot in stride, and has an impressive amount of self control. She works hard to treat others with patience and kindness, and will do her best to remove herself from a situation where she's had too much. She loves long baths and goggles 

Indie creates worlds upon worlds. She likes to play with those who will honor the world and structure she's created.  She is growing her muscle of letting others into creating worlds along side her. 

Indie listens earnestly to advice and you can see her trying to implement it. Indie beats herself up when she falls short of goals and striving.  She likes to understand nuanced things loves to plan and know what to expect.  She is very calm and intelligent.  She has a love of learning and a thirst to understand the why and the how behind everything.  She wants to be able to break it down.  

Indie loves to play minecraft with Damon, ride her bike with Stella, fish, go on any adventure (although her body grows tired and cold the quickest our of our brood), she loves to eat watermelon and corn, stay up late, Taylor Swift, and Hamilton. She sings Finn 'Sing the Rainbow' at bedtime. She is helpful. Actually helpful. She is quick to do what she's asked. She howls out in deafening screams at the slightest bonk.  She likes to play school and at 4:10pm she has a standing date to dart out to our trampoline naked just in time to catch the sprinklers.

Happy Birthday Indie Bug

Moments August 2019-2020:


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