Finn's 3 year update

Persistent Big Boy is getting BIG.   Finn is very quick to remind us all how he is growing Big. How he is Big. How he plans to get Bigger and that he in no way is anything other than a Big Boy.  We are all reminded throughout the day of his Biggness by ways of random announcements. "ummm, I am getting big!' he'll remind you, popping his head into the doorway. Then just as mysteriously as he appeared he'll leave. Leaving you to ponder his words. 

Which is ironic, because Finn is in fact a small little guy. He fits in all the same clothes he did a year ago.  It's not super common we get to use the same clothes at 1 year 2 years and entering into year 3. 

Finn loves to talk, narrate, and to be included in any and all conversation. He loves to insert himself into your conversation with a somber face and gestures. Attempting to contribute a small story or tidbit that is completely unrelated. He feels very hurt when he feels unheard. 

Finn loves to sing.  If his song comes on he'll require a microphone STAT so to properly channel his melody. If the microphone can not be secured in a timely fashion great sadness will ensue.  For hours.  Inconsolably. 

Finn sings on pitch and actually really well.  He falls asleep either in a second or after a long bout of singing his heart out.  He wakes up singing his heart out as well.

This kid has a great imagination and will play pretend with anything.  He loves to sprawl out on the floor and have in depth conversations with his toys.

He is very expressive and likes to re-enact moments with extra dramatization for you.  Always captivated by the feelings of his retelling.

Bad guys beware of this BIG boy.  He will fight you, tirelessly.  We have never seen Finn back down from a sword fight or a good wrestle. Like.  He'll go for hours.  We always have to stop the fun, because this kid does not have the ability to end a good rumpus. 


Finn is a snug bug. He loves to be enveloped in his thousands of blankets or held.  He is very affectionate with hugs and snugs and kisses and words of affirmation.  He loves to tease you by saying somberly: 'I don't like you....I LOVE YOU!' and then attacking you with love. If he's not beating you up, he's body crash hugging you. He will also give out BIG hugs throughout the day. 

Finn is a persistent particular boy.  He has an idea of how things should go and if you try to rush the process or change up who or how you help him you've just lost hours of your day to an out of control meltdown. It's common when he's in this space that he'll be so out of his mind that he doesn't want you to be around him, nor does he want you to leave.  And he'll just cry and scream inconsolably until he's gotten back to his equilibrium. We haven't really been able to find a way to help him come back to himself when he's that out of control.  Just time. It's pretty brutal. But you know its over when he calmly declares, "I feel happy now." usually with hiccuped breathing and tear stained face. 

Finn needs space.  Its common for him to declare that he needs you to go away and leave him alone.  He'll also come up and ask to have some 'alone time' in his room. It's also a common tactic for him to angrily tell you not to talk to him, if you give him an answer he doesn't like.  

This kids is an adventurous eater and will try anything.  He is obsessed with eating, specifically all of my food. He's got a very special radar for when I have food and appears within seconds. He will get really specific cravings pretty routinely. Banana's, crackers with cheese, eggs, and strawberries are some common ones. 

Finn is very driven. He figures things out and keeps trying until he gets where he wants to go.  He could put on his clothes (backwards and inside out usually) from a pretty young age. And buckle up his own car seat.  

He is also very detail oriented.  He notices clothing change, colors, hair cuts, hair styles, he sees them all and comments on them.  He also loves colors and discussing colors.  

Finn is very territorial and has been our most challenging sharer.  He is working on it though and has come a long way. Which he is really proud of.  

Finn does not like to feel as if he has disappointed or done anything wrong.  It shatters his little heart and he often shows this by hiding and crying.  He needs to always always always be verbally reminded that he is loved regardless of what he's done.  It's very hard on him to feel others frustration. 

Finn loves being on Damon's back. He misses Stella when she's away at preschool and will mope for a bit after she leaves.  He loves play-doh and Captain America. Happy Threenager Buddy! We love you!

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