Myra's 3 Months Old

Three months old means she's not an infant anymore.  She's a full on baby, full of smiles, intentional movement, wake periods and chunky rolls. 

I'd be lying to say I'm sad to see how big she is getting.  Every day that passes, is so welcomed.  We love her smiles and snuggles, but my goodness Damon and I do not thrive in the infant stage and that's okay. 

We moved Myra to her crib and out of the rock and play. Shockingly she did well with the transition. It used to take 4-5 hours of constant rocking and bouncing to get her down for the night.  We now get days were it only takes an hour and that just feels amazing.  The problem with her falling asleep in less time is how extremely hard it is to readjust expectations when she pulls out another string of hard nights.  It is much easier to remain in predictable misery than it is to have a break and get thrown back into it unexpectedly. 

Myra loves to be sung sad songs from Les Mis, and receive any attention.  She is very easy to smile.  She giggles often.  She's got the yummiest cheeks with so many little dimples.  She loves her swaddle, to be snugged, her bath times, her sisters, Finn, and gnawing on her mooey. 

 She became so good at escaping from her swaddle blankets that we moved her into a Velcro swaddle straight jacket of sorts and that seems to keep her happier. 

She's found her hands and is ticklish. She does not like the stroller, she loves to stand and loves my orange blanket. She gets especially excited any time its laid on her tummy. 

Myra naps best in her swing, you know she's tired if you lay her down to swaddle and she cries. Myra likes to sleep on my shoulder chest to chest with bounces, mooey, and bink but she'll only sleep for 30 mins at a time that way. We've tried naps in the crib a handful of times but it has ended in hours of trying and frustration for all. Maybe next month. 

Her excessive burps and fussiness seems to have calmed, though we of course still have our moments.  Happy 3 months Baby Mooey. 




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