Three? Impossible. -Myra


is now an

impossible three

I held up my fingers one at a time to illustrate how growing older works. Myra grabbed the finger that I used to signify her third year, pretended to throw it behind her back, and yelled "IMPOSSIBLE!" 

She did not want three.

We celebrated her birthday three times and won her over to the idea.  

Myra came into this world determined and has continued with fire in the same way since.  She is stubborn, inflexible, joyful, tender, quiet, loud, and adventurous.

"It is yellow like Myra" she declared one day to the sky. 

Myra loves puddles, the only way to continue when one is stumbled upon is to search for the next puddle.  Sometimes the big kids will run ahead and call to Myra from the trail above, with the promise of more puddle to help her leave current puddle. 


Myra says "opsy-crazy" instead of "opsie-daisy" and adds "alright" to the end of most of her sentences. "I'm cold, alright!" "I went potty, alright." "Daddy is home, alright!"

I told her once while we were parked in our driveway:

"Let me write something down real quick then I'll come get you,"

"Is it for Daddy?" she asked. 

"yes" I answered distracted 

"Is it love? Is it love, alright?" she pressed 

"Yes." I said melting. 

"but how do you make love?" she asked and we talked of all the ways we can create love in this world.  SO beautiful. 

Myra refuses to poop in the potty.

She loves the song jingle bells, eating chocolate chips and dinosaurs (T. Rex B.Rex and Mama Rex, respectively.)

When she plays, she talks. While she eats, she chats. When she rests, she chatters. In front of strangers she is completely silent. 

She dumps & gathers piles & piles of things to play pretend with. Her play type is best described as pack rat. Though when you get her cleaning she is SO attentive and does the job really well and on task until everything has been put back in it's place. 

She goes on a bike ride with me nearly every day and is never quite ready to come home, even after 12 miles. Lately she likes to run beside the bike for a half mile or so with many many drink breaks.

Myra hates to be rushed and gets car sick on long trips. They aren't correlated. 

She likes to sing along with you at night time songs and even reinvents the lyrics.  She loves all our animals, and called Winters the cat "boy" for months.  

Myra has taught me how to express the good often and out loud. Her favorite food is strawberries. 

We love you Myra Moo. Happy Three

A year in the life of Myra:


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