Baby Hadfield's first photo shoot

So, we got to hear the baby's heartbeat and see the little creature for the first time this week. It was ah-mazing!  I just wanted to stay in the ultrasound room all day and ask the tech to ultrasound my belly again and again and again...!  Obviously I restrained myself and only asked her to do it again a few times. :D  She was really nice, and didn't even judge me a bit when I started choking up when I heart the heat beat for the first time. 178 beats per minute.  Damon was just grinning from ear to ear. We were just so thrilled! 

So there is that, SO great!  I think its a boy for the record. The Chinese chart of ancient birth (or whatever it's called) would back me up.  We've been accidentally calling it a 'he' and 'little guy.'  That being said we don't want a boy over a girl we would be so thrilled with either! Just pray for a healthy happy baby!

And this is a straight on view of the face. It's a little creepy, yes, looks like transformer...or a storm trooper...BUT you can see its little eyes and nose and mouth and a spiney neck!  The tech got some really cool profile ones, where it actually looked like a baby with a little head and hands and arms, but we didn't get a copy of those ones. 

And This is its little arm, you can see the elbow bone, the radius and ulna little shoulder bones, probably my favorite part of the ultrasound was watching the baby move its arms around. Probably throwing a bit of a fit for being poked and prodded.

This is more for future reference then anything, don't wanna forget! 

Foods that I crave...(don't make me gag):
Cravings are a little bit of a lie so far for this pregnancy.  Maybe that'll come later because so far all I have really craved is Jamba Juice's Orange dream machine. Oranges, Mandarins Oranges, & Easy Mac...Sure hope my baby isn't secretly an Umpa lumpa transformer, although so far all signs may be pointing that way. 

as for things that I eat when orange products are unavalible:
Bagels with cream chz
peaches and pears 
chow mein 
& apple sauce 
Probably you don't care, but one day I'll look back and this and be reminded of how repetitive the past 3 months have been.  

Absolutely stay away from

ANY form of meat!  also, randomly chocolate pudding. Vanilla is fine. Weird. 
&...any form of meat smells.


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