Belly Bump

I know this doesn't really count, because you can't see my belly, but this is me at 3 weeks prego! Thanksgiving night, we didn't even know I was 'with child.' Just thought I'd caught the stomach flu.

 13 weeks! 3 months!
(baby can smile, frown, suck her thumb, and wiggle his fingers and toes)

Starting to get a baby Bump, although it just looks like flab or a big meal. Damon and I have gone a little baby clothes crazy. We spent a few hours looking at different clothes at baby stores, picking out the ones we loved then putting them back. haha. We don't know if its a boy or girl so we are trying to hold off our purchases until that point. It's taking a LOT of self control. It helps when Damon reminds me that even if we wait, they won't magically stop making cute baby clothes. Just 7 more weeks!

15 weeks! 4 Months!
(Even though he can't open his eyes yet, she can see light through her lids and track it, also has a nice hair coat all over its body to keep it warm)

Well we probably took this right after I ate and had to go to the bathroom so it looks real big! Plus Damon was working the angles haha cheating a little bit, I know.  I just can't wait until its super big! We found out that we get to find out if we are having a boy or a girl in just 2 1/2 weeks from now. March 5th!  Also got to hear the babies heart beat again. Took the doc a little while to find it so that was scary, but turns out our little buddy is just sitting higher then most babies at 15 weeks.

16 Weeks!
(Baby can hear us!)

Pants are getting TIGHT. Don't zip up anymore and I have to use a hair band to connect the button to the hole. We've been researching cribs and car seats and strollers. Getting excited and drooling over baby clothes. Can't wait until we know what we are having so we can splurge a little bit. We are also trying to sell our contract here so we can move and get ready for the little hadfield.

17 Weeks!
(Little 'squishy,' as Sandra would say, Is now putting on some body fat...Me too! Baby is sucking and swallowing)

Finally able to stomach some protein without wanting to throw up. The lady I babysit for gave me her $200 Prego pants and I LOVE them. Fit so much better then my old make shift hair tie pants. When I got home I threw them on and did a long energetic happy dance for Damon.  They are so comfy!  Exactly 5 days until we find out what we are having. We bought an adorable crib yesterday and got 80 dollars off which was super nice. 

19 weeks! 
(not much has really changed for baby, just chilling, getting bigger and starting to move big enough that I can feel her!)

Finally had to break down and buy Some maternity shorts. Turns out finding deals and my size at the same time in maternity clothes doesn't happen. I lucked out with getting some really nice Pregnancy pants from the lady I babysit for.  But apparently part of my pregnancy is spilling food all over myself at every meal. I don't know what it is. So, one pair of pants just wasn't cutting it.  Also, my hips HURT all the time. I feel like an old lady!  And okay, last confession, maybe I'm getting a bit of pregnancy brain too. I was making cookies and set the timer but forgot to press that batch was a little over cooked. Then the next batch, I set the well as turned off the oven... then put the cookies in. That batch was a little undercooked. haha 

20 weeks!
(Not too much to report... Damon took this pic whilst I was watching her kick.) 

21 Weeks!
(Word on the street is baby can taste what I eat. Poor timing Easter candy. She is going to be hooked on sugar before she's even born.)

Getting bigger!  I went to visit my Grandpa a lot this week. It's been really sad, since he is slowly losing the ability to talk and move his head/hands. I haven't seen him in a while, and he was so happy to see me and my siblings.  I told him I was pregnant with his first great granddaughter and he teared up a bit and got very excited. He asked about the baby every time I came to visit. Smiled when he saw my belly, then would command me to sit down. He's such a sweet man. 
Easter bunny came and brought us some little shoes for baby. I love love love them!

22 weeks!
(baby has eyelashes, eye brows, and maybe even some little hairs on her head...but lets be real. If this is really our baby she probably wont have hair til she's 2...if she's lucky)

Starting to feel like I'm carrying around a bowling ball. This is what my tummy looks like to me when I look down. Also got a new pink maternity shirt! Baby is up all night (very wiggly) I think she gets hiccups a lot too.  She is usually asleep all day, except at 10:00 am. Like clockwork she wiggles around for at least 30 mins every day starting at ten. During conference Damon was able to lay his hand on my tummy and feel her move for about an hour. So fun!

23 Weeks!!
Getting a nice little belly going!

24 Weeks!!
Here is the cute little prego dress compliments of Damon's Parents, Susan and Joe! 

25 Weeks!!

26 Weeks!!
We have started calling her 'quirmy' because all she ever does is squirm! She is growing like crazy and has found my ribs, so that is a little uncomfortable. We've moved into our new rental, gearing up for baby to come. I love going in her room and just looking at all the little outfits we have for her.  I also got a ton of maternity clothes from Holly, the lady I babysit for. Huge blessing. I now have more outfits then days left pregnant. Little quirmy can supposedly recognize my voice now. 

27 weeks 

Still growing strong! 

28 weeks
Holy cow! She sure is a moving these days. She definitely favors my right rib.  She is constantly kicking pushing touching or trying to remove my right ribs. Also, feeling extra fatty lately.  Couldn't fit into my very first prego pants the other day, that was an extremely cruel blow after getting on the scale and seeing it hit 150.  I know, I know, I know...its good that the baby is growing and I should be putting on weight. But sometimes I think I'm a little too vain to be pregnant. When Damon took me to anniversary inn for our first year anniversary and I saw my body in the bathroom mirror I burst out into tears.  Took a bit to regain my composure and I felt so bad for being like that on our special night, so we started over once I got over myself and my dimpling poking out body.  He is so patient and tries so hard to say the right thing. Poor guy. love him. 
I also got my first stretch marks and swelling legs this week. Rude, rude, rude for them all to come at the same time.   


  1. That was such a fun dance! We need to get you more maternity clothes so I can see the dance again.


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