It's a GIRL!!

      We are expecting a little baby girl! My mind is blown. I was CONVINCED for months that we were having a boy.  We started calling the baby a him and planned out our little boy nursery.  I'll admit I even would fantasize about playing catch with him and practicing my demolition noises and car sound effects for the inevitable cars and trucks. Damon and I both had dreams about a little baby boy which only added to the depth of which we were convinced it was going to be a little man. It just felt right.  We even had an ultrasound the day before we had our gender check ultrasound (to check on baby's measurements) and the tech said after the fact she couldn't be sure because she hadn't been looking at gender, but from what she saw she was leaning towards a boy. 
     I had wanted for weeks to make 'gender reveal cupcakes' to announce what 'flavor' of baby we were having. So, when our gender ultrasound came around Damon and I had our whole day planned out. 
3:30 find out baby gender
4:00 deliver cupcakes to our nearby relatives
6:00 ish go on a baby clothes shopping spree for cute outfits we've been trying to avoid buying.
I decided I already knew what we were having. So to speed up the process I made the cupcakes before the ultrasound, with bright blue filling.  I figured it would save on time to just go straight from the apt to delivering cupcakes. To baby clothes shopping!!

 Damon and I arrived to our apt right on time. We were so excited to see the baby again. Saw little baby yawn like the cutest baby ever, little one gave us a thumbs up and sucked its thumb. We definitely have a little show-off on our hands!  You can see the little feet right there. Then a very impressive vertebrae haha. The tech told us, 'it looks like a girl!'  Damon and I were both silent for a few seconds and then my disbelief came out. Maybe I argued a little bit with the tech. He ended our discussion with 'well, I can call it a boy...but its a girl'  I'm sure the tech was thinking, 'this isn't China, girls are great. What's wrong with you guys...'  I made him give me a scale of how sure he was that it was a girl. 95% SURE  outta 100.  
      Here is a disclaimer. I am thrilled to bits now that it is a girl, and I want a girl.  But just thinking it was a boy for so long it was  hard to switch gears so quickly.  I'll admit I teared up a little bit and it took my spirits down. 

 I was a little bit peeved at first. How could I be wrong!?  We delivered the cupcakes and told everyone...the frosting inside is did cause for a bit of confusion. After we got all the cupcakes out it was time to go for a shopping spree. By this time I was feeling pretty tired (good ol pregnancy side effect) and maybe I broke down a little bit. It's so silly but I felt so bad, because I wanted to carry on with the plan! I know our baby doesn't care but in my  mind if we didn't go baby shopping our little girl would be sad and think..."if I was a boy you would have gone" and then she'd think I didn't love her as much.  So, I felt really guilty and teared up a bit (another great pregnancy perk.) I knew we still had to clean the office I work at too, so that made me break down. 
       ANYWAYS, the next day we finished up our baby plans and went shopping! So many cute cute girl things!!  This little girl is gunna be the cutest in town! Here are some of my favorites from our spree.

 I'm happy to conclude that I am so excited to have this little girl...even if I still am not 100% convinced it's a girl.  It'll probably take another ultrasound at the beginning of April to convince me.  Just because we had one tech say boy, and another say girl, and my mind convinced me it was a boy. 

Anyways, little miss is already super loved by her family and my co workers. She is getting balloons and girly frills already! 

Okay, this post is super long already. She's getting bigger and so is my belly! Had to retire lots of shirts and pants ans start buying maternity garb. Not as fun as baby clothes...The END
Ps we already love little baby so much!


  1. When I was expecting Lyndsi...we didn'find out what we were having until she was born. (Hard to imagine I know!) I was so certain it was a boy... that when she came out and the doctor held her up ... I thought..."I wish he would hold him right because from this angle it looks like a girl!" Then Dan said "Amy its a girl!" I was excited to be wrong...I didn't WANT a boy more than a girl... but I sure thought it was a boy!! You're right! Its hard to re-wrap your head around the change! !


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