Damon's 29!!

 Happy Birthday to my handsome husband on the 5th!   He is an amazing strength and blessing in my life.  I honestly don't know what I would do, or where I would be without him.  He shows me so much love, is so patient and understanding (especially in these trying times of crazy Katelyn hormones haha :/ sorry babe!),  and is an incredible father.  He has never said 'no' to changing a diaper or tried to avoid  it,  he's been willing to do cloth diapers even. (Which really are not bad to have to deal with)  He works hard all day to provide for our family and then comes home and is just so happy to see me and, usually, a grumpy Indie (witching hour is not taken lightly in her little 3 month eyes.)  This can also make for a less then enthusiastic Mama.  Damon is still just tickled to be with his girls though. He doesn't complain if the house isn't spotless (which believe me, most days it is not) and even if I haven't showered and am still in my pj's he kisses me and tells me I'm beautiful.   
            I love Damon's sense of humor, he's got a quick wit and laughs at situations that could easily be taken as frustrating.  He is so easy going and great with other people. He is great to talk to, and my personal favorite person to gab away at, poor guy! Haha.  He loves his family!  He loves spending time with family.   Damon I love you. This year has flown by!  I'm so grateful you are by my side and so blessed to be going through life with you!  
          I do feel a little sad that his Birthday landed on a Tuesday this year.  Tuesdays are his busiest days of the week.  He was at work and school from 6:30am until 6:15pm. So I feel like our celebrating fell a little flat :(  

    I didn't have much time to work with this year, so I'm lucky Damon loves food so much, because that was pretty much this years 'theme.'  I made him one of his favorite breakfast's.  Steak, eggs, potatoes, mushrooms all cooked in a teriyaki sauce with cheese melted on top.  

    Then I has a little treasure hunt planned out for him. 
You have the key to my heart. And this key leads to where the Birthday hunt starts!

You drive me crazy like no one can beat. Find the next clue in the backseat.

 I'll start your engine for a night that rocks! You'll soon see how, first look in the glove box. 
You fill me up babe and fuel my fire. Check you(R-dang it) gas tank to see what's going to transpire.

I'll never tire of you my handsome hunk! Zoom on over and look in the trunk. 

Then theses little beaut's were in the trunk.  I had originally planned on having The Five Languages Of Love  wrapped back there too, but I accidentally let him open that one early.   

For lunch he got lots of different snackies that are some of his favorite.  To make a long story short, we weren't going to be able to visit him at work for lunch (one car, school...ect) So I wrapped his lunch to try and make it more fun.  He got some blue 'dew. I think it's called Voltage? Some 'Better Cheddars' because they remind him of his grandma Manchester.  Little smokies,  Crackers & cottage cheese with salmon and Mrs. Dash, pumpkin cream cheese roll and I think that was it.  Plus some b-day napkins.

      Then when Damon finally got home I had Indie all dressed up for Daddys b day and I got snazzed up too. 

She's Just the best!

This is the face I make that makes Indie smile the most.  Damon was trying to get her to smile for pictures and I couldn't help but join in. Even though she couldn't see me...silly silly. 

We love our man! 

    We dropped off Indie at my Mom's and then went out to eat.  When we came back I had all these fun glow sticks and what-nots on the bed, and his other present was suppose to be there too. A 68Gb flash drive...but I also accidentally let him open that one early too...I'm shameless! I held out longer this year than last though. 

     The last present was video games.  Until ten at night (when it was time to get Indie) I told Damon I would play as many and any video game with him and not complain haha. I'm not a huge gaming fan, and he is.  We both had a blast. I'm sad the day was over so soon! 

Love you Damon!!! Happy 29th!  Sure am glad you were born!


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