9 months old

We made it! 9 months!

Indie is mobile...sort of. No crawling, but does a sort of squid like scoot across the floor.  It's pretty cute.  She's all over the place getting herself into all sorts of trouble. She loves pulling herself up onto things to stand. She is a standaholic.

Indie loves playing peek-a-boo through the bumpers when I come in to get her after a nap.  She has also learned how to sit up from a laying down position.  So, come nap time she will sit herself up, but hasn't really figured out how to lay back down. She will either cry until we come lay her down, or fall asleep with her head on her legs in sitting position.  So so cute and sad too!

Indie loves having her foot up on things. Just like me. Up on the highchair tray while she eats, up on the stroller, if there's a place to perch it, she takes the opportunity. 

We have a new favorite food. Asparagus!  She loves it! To be fair though I haven't found a food she doesn't like yet (as long as its fresh.)  And of course she loves to eat anything like a big girl. She downed this whole carton in one sitting.

Of course Indie adores play time. After every nap, she has a mini play time routine she loves. She will sit on my lap and grab the two burp clothes off the rocking chair and dangle them over the rocking chair, then she will play with the window shade thingy then we pull out all of her very favorite stuffed animals one by one. She squeals with delight at each one, hugs it and then kisses it. It's so precious. 

Indie's communication skills are just growing like crazy. She will copy inflections and not just babble to the wall, but in response to us talking to her. A mini convo. So cute.  She will talk into things that I do and start babbling like crazy when I pull out my phone to talk to someone. Indie understands lots of words too.  

She recognizes these word: 

Blanky-she loves her two blankets, both from my old coworkers, she squeals and hugs and kisses it and rubs it on her face. 

Outside- Indie adores being outside. She is always walking to the front door and gets sad when we try to move her. She squeals when we open the door and will perk up and smile when we say outside. 

Eat- she loves food. Period. 

Bottle (babas)-  this picture was taken while I was trying to entice her to crawl.  She loves her bottle. 

 Horsey- She loves this horse!  She loves sitting on him and riding around the house on him. She will pat him and kiss him and try to stand up while holding him.

 Baby-  Indie loves babies! Baby dolls and other babies, just adores them.  In this picture I had wrapped her doll in a bigger burp cloth and showed Indie how to rock and shush it and kiss it and love it, then passed it to her to see what she would do. She threw the baby out of the cloth and started fussing as she crawled into my lap and curled up so I could kiss her and rock her and love her.  Guess she needed to reclaim her spot.  SO cute.  But normally she loves on her dolls. Kisses and hugs them annnnnnd bites them too...

 Dada- She love him. Adores him.

 Mama-  She's my little buddy! 

 Water- She is a huge water fan!

Bird- she loves animals. SO MUCH.  Especially birds, for some reason... and the sign for bird.

Duck (quack quack)- she loves this duck!

Socks- On occasion when we bring her socks out to put on her she will lift each foot in turn so we can put them on.  She also LOVES playing with my socks on or off my feet. They are like her favorite toy. 

Shoes- her favorite chew toy.

& the picture-less ones
dog (ruff ruff), kitty(meow meow), bath time, book, phone, hello, 
peek-a-boo, and cracker! 

Indie's favorite way to show Dad love is to pat his head...lots and lots.  She loves the bald!

Indie and her duck are buds, I bought some pool noodles to cut up so I could make it a foam pit as well as an egg pit.  Well, turns out she adored playing with the pool noodles so much that as I started cutting one of them up, she started crying.  I think we may have a very tender heart-ed little girl. I didn't think she was old enough to even be concerned about things like me cutting a noodle up. Poor thing!
Once she realized how great the little noodles were, and after some hugs, she was okay with the noodle massacre.

Discovering Ice!

Discovering Fish!

Discovering hats

Discovering Costco

Discovering Chile's

Discovering love

Discovering brushing her teeth 

Discovering friends

Discovering portholes 

Discovering Winco 

Discovering lasagna 

Discovering skepticism 

Discovering how to open drawers

Discovering Mom's favorite pillow and blanket

We love our Indie bug!


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