Two year anniversary

Two years.  We've been married two whole years!  It feels like so much longer (cliche, I know. All you 2+ year marrieds can roll your eyes if you must.)  It feels like Damon and I have known each other, and been best buds, for so much longer.

April 28th is our official anniversary, but we celebrated on the following Saturday.  We went to cheesecake factory and gorged ourselves in goodness. (shout out to Lauren for watching Indie for us) So yummy.  Also, our server told me I looked like Amy Schumer...who I'd never heard of...but apparently she's a comedian.  So, I felt like I needed to be extra witty with him the rest of the night.  ANYWAYS, back to anniversary and love...

 I can't picture life without Damon.  We share our lives together and, while I am still very much my own person, Damon really is my other half.  (We are just plunging into the cliche's now. Brace yourself.)  Damon is my rock, my support, my ears when I need to talk, my broad shouldered handkerchief when I'm sad.  He seeks to understand and support feelings, that I don't understand.  He accepts my bad and low moments and supports me in struggling to be better.  I love this man.  

It's crazy how 'young' we are in marriage still. Two years.  Just babies! I'm beginning to really understand the power and importance of forgiveness.  Forgiving your spouse and forgiving yourself, on big things, and on silly little things.  As we take on life together we learn how to communicate better every day. Although, same days it is two steps forward three steps back. We love learning how to weather the lows together and come out on top and move onward. Sometime's it's a trick, learning how to be each other's cheerleaders instead of critics, while still living together. BUT, when it's all said and done, the rough patches bring us closer and make us stronger in a way that the 'highs' couldn't.  That's not to say that we don't just love all the highs we've had!   

Damon is so sweet, considerate, selfless, supportive, easy going, understanding, fun loving, good humored, smart, handsome, all around hands on family man.  I love him and everything he brings to my life.  Here's to another great year! 

 Oh, um ps. I made these and just think they turned out great! Damon LOVED them.

says "101 ways to say...
I just can't keep it bottled up any longer"


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