
       Lauren has been getting back into Bountiful Baskets, and has found some steals on pounds and pounds of fruit.  So, we've become amateur canning fiends! (emphasis on the amateur)   There were a few hiccups along the way.  We thought the pot and the stove may explode at one point and boiling was a bit spotty, but a quick call to second Mom April, and checking Google saved lives.

Don't be fooled. Lauren and I were afraid for our life.   The only reason she's smiling is because sometimes death by boiling cauldron can be a very silly affair...if  nothing else. 

Indie and Phillip were extremely helpful and enthralled by the fruit and the box. It's so nice to have such adorable helpers. 

We did run out of jars so made a quick Winco run. 

Also this isn't from canning, but I love my sister and sometimes we have too much fun while facetime takes forever to connect. 


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