The beginning of the end

         This may sound dramatic, but for all intents and purposes, I could not be anymore happy to consider this the beginning of the end!  The end to this chapter. The beginning of the end of school, of career-less-ness of welfare and being the recipients of so much family love and support (that doesn't need to end though, love that. However, hopefully in the future we can be the 'benefactors' and tip the scales a little more evenly)
        Damon quit his job and is zoning in on school full time.  This means he has started his last full semester of school and is looking at a decision between getting an internship next semester.  (We've been looking everywhere we can think trying to get a foot in the door early) If we can't find an internship, or one that fits our family's needs, Damon will just have one last class to finish next semester and then GRADUATION! I couldn't be more proud of him.  I truly admire his tenacity and commitment to finish school, do it right and overcome this obstacle.  It speaks so much to his character.  To keep getting up and moving forward instead of throwing in the towel.  There is something to be said for accomplishing any feat in life. But when you accomplish a feat, on top of and despite of a personal demon, it speaks volumes and seems so much more impressive.      
      I am so impressed with the quality of man Damon is. His kindness, compassion, hard working, endurance, and always such a positive person.  He is amazing.  So steady, to compliment my often roller coaster personality. 
       I recently started working at Kid to Kid in American Fork, and it has been amazing.  I am able to work a schedule that fits with Damon's school schedule (more or less) so that Indie is always with either Damon or I  (and sometimes Lauren but that's only once every other week)  I love the job, its close to home, and I get discounts on amazing clothes for Indie. The only down side is the way it affects my relationship with Indie. It's definitely harder on me than it is on her. It is ridiculously hard to have to leave her. Not fun. I also don't love how much it cuts down on Damon time either.  But other than that, it's great!
      Lots of changes, and now that we are settling into a routine and realizing what life is looking like it feels nice to be able to take a breath.  
        Damon and I went to Anniversary Inn to celebrate and get in some extra time together before the crazy new schedules began. It was so great to be able to just relax and be a couple. (it was my first night away from Indie)  It was just what we needed!

We ate at Cheesecake Factory and walked around Temple Square, reminiscing about our wedding day and dating.  So fun, even though we reminisce about it all the time. It's seriously my favorite.

There was an alligator (crocodile?) in our room, so naturally I had to lay on top of it...? Don't worry about it. 

It was great to come back home to this ray of sunshine. We are so blessed and looking forward to the future! 


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