Fall Adventure!

Fall is here!! (Even if Utah decides some days are to be more of summer type heat...doesn't matter. Still counts as fall. Although, we will say boo to you Utah and still try to wear long sleeves and light coats.  You know those things that should be worn in October.)  We are getting so excited!  We've been putting all of our fall decorations up.  Which are not many.

Yep. that's about it...
Also here is an adorable picture of Indie on a fall day. 

Today we went off to Thanks Giving Point's Cornbelly's.  I spent a little more time then I should have picking out what outfit Indie should wear to pick out her first pumpkin...Girls are so fun to dress!  this is what we decided on. Although, I did pack some hopeful runner-ups.

 Last year on the same exact Saturday Damon and I took Indie to her first Corn maze.  She was 2 months old that day. Notice the lack of getting ready on my part? Ya...new babies are hard. 

Here we are at 14 months! It's a little surprising to me how similar Indie's expression is in both of these.  Apparently she is often unimpressed by fall pictures. 

Anyways today was my favorite day! Indie was so excited about everything we let her try.  The Tire swings were a fast favorite though. 

 Indie thought being in the bouncy house made her just the biggest girl ever. She was a little awed by the big kid's jumping, so much so that she mostly just sat and smiled and cheered them on. 

 This was a random huge inflatable monster.  You could walk though him if you wanted. And we wanted.  Although, less wanted once we were inside and saw how dark it was. Babies (and moms) were a little bit scared...

Train ride though the corn. 

This child would walk and walk and didn't care if we weren't around. She's definitely tenacious. Stranger danger is not a thing.  However, if you call to her and ask her where she is going as she wonders off, she will give you a wave goodbye.  So, that's nice.

This corn pit was amazing! SO FUN! Indie tried 'sneaky sneak' many times to eat the corn.

Cousin Phillip was buried many times.  He was so chill about it. 

Plotting which kernel to sneaky sneak into her mouth next. 

She didn't want to get off the cow train ride. Started completely melting down when we started to get out. Such a great pouty lip. 

Waiting for the parade 

 There were so many amazing wood play houses. This one was a train and it was magnificent. 

After Cornbelly's we said goodbye to Lauren and Felipe and went to The Red Barn. Indie napped on the way down and was still so tired when we got there. I was so happy to get some extra snuggles on the hayride to the pumpkin patch. Snuggles are so rare and don't last long. 

Indie was so happy about all the pumpkins, a little less happy when she realized they weren't balls and she couldn't lift a single one. 

Damon had a hard time finding what pumpkin he wanted. As always, I fell in love and picked my favorite within seconds, and Damon had to walk and walk and study out his options. 

There was this awesome old truck. So naturally pictures were had. 

Guarding our pumpkins 

We bought some fresh squeezed apple juice and headed home after a long amazing fall adventure.  Indie finally got to hold a pumpkin (which she still thinks is just a really heavy ball) Perfect end to a perfect day. (Minus that she pooped AGAIN in the tub when we got home. Seriously?! It's like 5 times out of 5 baths now.  Are we accidentally tub training her?  bahhhhh!)


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