New years Eve

Idaho or bust!  
Indie Did great on the drive up and basically jumped into grandma Sooz's arms as soon as she saw her.

   We were spoiled by a second Christmas almost as soon as we arrived and had a blast playing Wii with Damon's family.  Indie made sure that Grandma and Grandpa were watching what she was doing and loving on her the whole trip. She adores them.  Here she is trying on Grandpa's boots and getting her gun.

Indie idolized her two older cousins Isla and Mia as well. They played so well with her.  Indie about died of happiness. They colored, played hide and seek, and introduced indie to 'dance parties' which she now tries to reenact often and always whenever music comes on with Damon and I. 

It wasn't too long before we were headed up to the Family Cabin. Indie had the worst meltdown of her life on the way up through the mountains. Poor baby.

We packed up, suited up and Snowmobiled into the cabin.  Grandpa Joe worked real hard to make sure the cabin was warm and we got water going. Damon and I had so much fun watching this munchkin trying to walk around in her marshmallow suit. 

Sometimes you just got to sit and read a book. 
 Getting away from it all. 

Here's Warm Lake, frozen over.  I was assured that it was nice and thick and safe, but visions of breaking through the ice and freezing to death kept creeping into my head. Especially where that random circle of doom appeared. 

 So I decided to just distribute my weight and stay away from the death circle. But I still felt pretty cool haha. 

 Indie loved snowmobiling! (as in she didn't cry...So either she liked it or she was dead inside... it's a toss up)

 Love this man.

Umm she's great!  As was our trip. Was so Great!!!


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