Indie's 1 and a HALF!

Indie loves:

            ...Apples Sauce!
        She would eat a whole Costco pack of the squeeze bottles if she could. She's obsessed.  I think her record is 8 in a day.  It is her absolute favorite food.

           ...Follow the leader!

        ...Holding onto Mom & Dad's finger to pull them around the house. Sometimes it's to show us what she wants, but mostly we just walk aimlessly around until she decides we've reached the right destination. Not accepting her little hand immediately when she reaches for your finger, and says "GO!" always ends in a meltdown.  The sadness and rejection can only be
stopped with loves and hugs, followed by letting her take your now contrite finger. . A peace offering will also help, like apples sauce.

       ...Aunt Lauren's!
        Indie's starting to recognize when we get onto Lauren's street that we are about to see Aunt Lauren, cousin Phillip & the kitties.  (sorry Felipe, usually you're at work.)  Indie screams with happiness, when we go inside and always wants to have Lauren's love and cuddles. She loves playing silly games with Phillip. (Like, let me sit on you cousin & Phillip hold the blanket and I'll hold the other end, and lets just walk for about an hour around the house... because what else could be better?)  Indie cried almost the whole way home once after leaving Lauren's house.  Damon swears she called Lauren 'LoLo' yesterday, when she saw a video with her in it.

        ...The Park!
    Indie's gotten to the point that she knows what direction the park is. Its only a block away. She loves the swings and will sit on the big kid swings without any problems. She's been doing that since she was a year, but is a lot more confident now.  She also will climb up the stairs to any slide, and go down it by herself with no fear.

        ...Helping Mom!


sasfffd... She loves to do Laundry! She loves to put clothes in and out of the washer and dryer. She loves to do dishes. All day everyday. Its about 90% playing and 10% scrubbing, which is so cute. Indie's pretty great at helping clean up messes. 'Great' on my scale means she does about 10-20% of the cleaning. She loves being praised and loved on for it...who doesn't?!

    ...Being a girl!
 She loves to copy what I do, especially when I get ready for the day.  So, make up is a big favorite, especially lip gloss and lipstick.  She gives Damon & I lots of it when she has it out, she even put some on grandma Soozie when we face off my phone screen after it was well worth the cuteness!  Indie also loves bracelets and necklaces.  She stomps in excitement when we put them on, it's all or nothing though. So, usually she's rocking 10 bracelets and 4 necklaces. Go big or go home, right? I let Indie pick out her outfit one day and she picked a necklace, bracelet, shoes, a bow and a hat. No pants or shirt.  I insisted on the diaper. I get a kick out of her girlishness.

She is obsessed with Cats and I love to feed the obsession. I love that it 100% her personality coming through.  Her favorite toy right now is a little cat that walks around and Meows. She has a lot of stuffed kitties, kitty clothes, kitty shoes, kitty books, kitty toys, it's so fun!

 ...Loves to play!

         ...Indie loves to play, favorites right now are: her Dublo blocks. Listening to Pandora and dancing. Every time a song stops she says 'Uh-oh, stop!' then when a new song comes on she claps or says 'Yaaay!' Indie also loves to wrestle, especially with Dad and on the bed, or on some pillows.  

         Indie is pretty easy going. She's easy to take places and great in new situations.  She's (usually) really amazing at following direction.  She really is the biggest sweetheart, and I love it.  I love that I like her so much! It's always a good thing to like your toddler, right? haha.  A tender moment happened a few days ago between us.  Indie's been sick, with cough and snot, AND getting molars.  It's been especially hard since I've been gone quite a bit the past few weeks at work. Anyways, Indie woke up and fussed one night, which isn't like her. Normally I would have given her time to work it out and settle back in, but I just missed her so much. I went in and rocked her for almost an hour as she just lay so close to me and drifted in and out of sleep. I hadn't rocked her to sleep since she was 5 months old. That moment was just magic.  I also learned that to help comfort herself while she falls asleep she will rub the corner of her blanket with her thumb and pointer finger. A silly little thing, but I don't want to forget it. 

          She's growing so fast and changing every day.  She's got a great temperament, laced with lots of great ups and intense (but short) downs. Especially when her little feelings get hurt.  She is extremely sensitive and just comes to pieces when she's told no or senses any contention or negativity.  She hates any form of negativity!  (I don't blame her!)  

Indie also doesn't like:

           ...Being tired
her little emotions and feelings can get pretty intense when she's tired, or hungry. Which, I can relate!

...Diaper changes, 

Sometimes, she will surprise us and sit so still and be happy, but more often than not it's lots of protest and crying.

and a lot of other types of meat.  She wont touch it, she used to be a carnivore, now shes all carbs and fruit.  She does love them as animals though.

         ...Indie signs: 
All done, water, more, food, bath time, thank you, please, apple sauce, and milk.

         ...Indie says:
    Mommy (Mama), 

           Daddy (Daa), 

         Dog, (Da), 

Show (she says this way too much, we really have to pull her back from watching shows on our phones all day. She LOVES watching home videos on our laps),


Apple Sauce (aaaple saw), 
Outside (outsi)


Yeah (she says this a LOT!), 

all done, 

Go (Do), 

popcorn (Baborn), 
bracelet (bracet), 

bird (bir), 

 down (dow)

Hello (Yo-she says this whenever our phones vibrate, beep, move, ring...she's very attune with our phones), 

Water (wahwa),

 cereal (her favorite breakfast), bubble,
 stop (dop),



bath (ba), 
Baby (babe),

 Blanky (babe), 

Binky (babe)

 Please (peess), 

No (nononononono-in a high pitch, and fast), 



sock (saw)
brush (bra)

mouse (mos), duck (duh), ball (bah), 
Stroller (Stoll),

and eggs!


       Indie knows what these animals say: cow, monkey, kitten, chicken, and will point to all of her body parts when asked...well all the basic ones.

 And some of her last tricks are high fives, knuckles, jumps ('jumps'...both feet don't really leave the ground...), tickles Mom & Dad, She loves search and find books. I'm always surprised at her level of comprehension when I ask her to find something obscure, like fire truck...

I adore this tiny girl and can't wait to see what the next 6 months have in store! 



  1. Indie is such an awesome little girl and is growing up so fast! You are doing such a great job of documenting her little personality and milestones. You and Damon are doing a fantastic job of parenting! Miss and love you all!


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