Valentimes day

(tines, tines I know it's Valentines...)
We love any reason to celebrate, eat good food, take pictures, and decorate!  Indie LOVED decorating (eating) Valentimes day cookies!

I adore this one,
and here are the pictures a year apart on V-day!

She loves the sprinkles the best!

I adore this sweetheart!  Surprisingly she wasn't in a sugar coma by the end. All and all she ate the equivilant of 1 billion sprinkles and one cookie full of frosting.

When did she grow this much!? I still think of her as this tiny baby, not a toddler. 

She thought the fake rose petals were treats too...

She was less than impressed by their flavor.  What a great way to end our day. We sure love our tiny one!

And just in case you were wondering what she looked like a year ago today, more in's THIS!


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