Happy Grad-iversary!

              After Damon's Graduation we went off on a week long trip.  Yes, Damon lost his California virginity. He had a whole lot of firsts!  One big one, for both of us, was leaving Indie for a week.  Lets pause for a huge shout out to Grandma Sooz and Grandpa Joe for taking care of our sweet monster for us. We missed her something fierce and it was really comforting to know she was in great hands and having a blast.  It's hard not to spoil her, and sometimes hard to believe there are other people who love Indie as much as we do and want to spoil her just as much, (if not more.)

Also thank you to Lauren for helping out with Indie the day we left.  She really acts like Lauren is her second mom, and as you can see, adores Phillip just about as much as. 

We got a rental car and it was a sad day when we had to return it. Driving 9 hours without a toddler FLYS by like you wouldn't believe. 

Monday and Tuesday we spent at Disneyland & California Adventure! Our hotel was just a block away from the park, so we were able to just walk on over.  

It was a little lame that they decided to surprise close the park at 7;00.  We were really bummed at the beginning of the day, but then when we realized how long and hot the day was turning out to be it was a little less sad. Still sad, but less so. 

 Damon was feeling the magic. It was so fun to show him around Disneyland and imagine taking an older Indie around to enjoy all the magic. 
I told him to make a heroic stance and he pulled out this magic. 

We were able to meet up with Lisa Jon and their 3 babies and Violet for Tuesday Disney. It was so fun to be able to go on rides together and see Jane get excited about things.  It also just made me super motivated to bring Indie to Disneyland and make her first trip just so fun and magical. 

Car's land was marvelous. We absolutely loved radiator springs racers. As did the rest of California Adventure, line wait times were ridiculous. We waited in line for almost 2 hours the first time...a hot miserable, stinky few hours.

 It took some convincing to get Damon to agree to wear an anniversary button with me. But in the end I got him with the promise of vague and exciting magical things. 

ICE CREAM. We kept telling each other how happy and excited we were for to be at Disneyland, even if we looked miserable.  The heat was a killer on our outward excitement. This ice cream was so so necessarily for survival. 

Tuesday night we made reservations at the Blue Bayou (the pirate of the Caribbean restaurant) because it's something I've always wanted to do as I rode the Pirates ride and looked at the fun ambiance. 

 Waiting to be seated. We were all so excited. Dreams do come true. 

       Happy Anniversary!!!! We got some free dessert thanks to our buttons!  They brought us 3 forks though, because I think they were a little confused about what kind of relationship was going on with Violet me and Damon there. Which made us giggle. 

Like I said. The lame-o's closed the park at 7:00, but they kept the firework show. Which went off at 10:00, While everyone was out of the park. So we plopped on the floor with the rest of the Disneyland stragglers. 

Day 2!

           We braved the tower of terror. The worst part is waiting in the catwalks and fearing your pending death...voluntary death. We elbowed around and made sure we got into a group with two little kids.  It made the ride a little more toned down. We know how to survive! This guys hand placement sucked. Sorry Violet and Damon. 

 Dying of heat.

Disneyland was great, we had so much fun. I missed Indie a lot, teared up a couple of times imagining having her there, and would turn to tell her things sometimes. (being a mommy is a mean trick, even when you get a break they are still with you. You still worry, and miss them and wonder about how they are) That being said, I'm very glad that Damon and I got to experience California and Disneyland Childless. We have hard set plans to take Indie when she's 5. Everyone is invited to join. It'll just be a party! Ps, I have never seen so many selfie sticks, EVER. I hate them and everything they stand for!  It sparked a very spirited monologue on the way home. 

Catalina Island. 

Damon loves snorkeling, So we planned a day on Catalina Island.  I wish we had spend more than just a day on the island. It was such a fun atmosphere and there were so many things to do. 

The ferry was so fun, but a lot more tummy tickle-ly than I had imagined. Huge dips and jumps. It was a little bit hard on the stomach, but we walked around the boat and got to see a pod of dolphins showing off and jumping along the side of the ferry. 

Catalina island! 

I was a little nervous to snorkel, as I've never used real googles or flippers, and our guide wasn't the most confident not informative... but it was so great! We saw lots of awesome fish, got to touch them and feed them and just swim around.  Next time, we will definitely do it without a guide. So expensive, when all they did was basically show us the good spots to go to. Damon would have gone all day if he could. He loved it. 

Shameless snorkel sea hair selfie. Taken WITHOUT a stupid selfie stick. 

         So much love,  Thanks for the great time Catalina! I fell asleep on Damon's arm on the boat ride home, going 3 days with non stop fun takes it toll! 

              We left Catalina and went to Santa Barbra to visit with Violet and Sean. Simply the most generous couple around. We stayed at Sean's amazing Condo for our last 3 nights, and lamented that we don't live closer because we would be just amazing couple friends. We were able to have rare sightings of the Sean while we were there. They took us to one of their favorite restaurants while we were there and it was so marvelous. 

    We also visited with Lex and David for a bit as well and saw their amazing Butterfly loft and U bungalow Salons.  They just opened a third building and we were just so impressed with all their hard work and success. Seriously beautiful! I didn't feel very well the rest of the trip so we took it a little bit slower and spent lots of lazy quality time and rested on the beach! 

 I made damon get up Sunday morning at 6:00am so we could get home to Utah and see out little Indie bug before she went to bed. We were very tired haha, but worth it! She was so excited to see us. I don't know who was more excited her or me. 


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