Mothers Day

Indie bug climbed/fell out of her crib for the first time yesterday during nap time. She took a mini nap on Dad's shoulder and then decided the rest of the day that she was really tired.   She carted her pillow and blanket around and took little rests all over the house.   

It was a bad day to skimp on the nap, because we got treated to an early Mothers Day dinner from Great Grandma & Grandpa Williams.  Which was great, but meant a late night.  Damon, Ian and I decided to take Indie down to Orem a bit before dinner to play on the Tree house. (Thanks travel agent Lauren)

      I had a bit of anxiety the whole time we were playing at the mall. So many kids!  I just kept thinking, what if she got snatched?! How am I the only parent tailing their child like a shadow...? Bahhh

             Damon and Ian loved when I pretended they were lovers and Indie was their love child.  Haha.

            Then we met up with everyone at Golden Corral, which was extremely packed. So, we had to get a bit creative with games in the line to get in. Indie adored playing with all her uncles and of course being held by her second mom Lauren. 
              Best part of dinner was by far the marshmallows.
                   Lauren and I were really excited for the babies to try the cotton candy.  They didn't really understand that it was edible, and they were a bit shocked that we kept trying to force them to eat it. Which is silly, because everything else goes in their mouths...She ate chipmunk poop before, for heavens sake. Just eat the sugar, and like it! 

           it was bound to turn into a sword fight eventually. 

For actual mothers day Damon spoiled me like crazy. He know's how much I hate surprises (if I know its coming) and how much I love planning, so as a semi serious semi joke, he planned out our whole day and gave it to me as soon as I woke up. 

I have always hated matching outfits. Until today. Indie and I tried to match and its super cheesy silly but I just love this girl and Idk if it could get much cuter. I'm so blessed to have this little girl as a daughter.

Here is that Scavenger hunt Damon wrote for me from Indie. (he said he sat down and had an extensive interview) and with each new clue there was a reason why Indie loved me. 

"I love Mama because she always gives me the best hugs and kisses and always makes me feel loved.   She is very good and communicating with me and knowing how I’m feeling, whether I’m happy, sad, frustrated, grumpy, or hyper."  

"I love Mama because she buys me the nicest clothes and shoes and accessories and teaches me how to be a beautiful girl.  I love my girl time in the morning with Mama." 

 "I love Mama because she always makes sure I have access to delicious snacks and puts them in places where I can easily reach them.  I doe little still!"

 "I love Mama because she helps me feel better when I’m sad or get hurt.  When Mama is holding me, I feel loved and safe and soon after I feel happy again!"

"I love Mama so much, she’s the first person I want to see in the morning!  I love it when we have playtime together, she’s the best at make-believe."

"I love Mama because she teaches me so many new things, like words, how to be nice, colors, how to put my pants on, how to wear earrings, and how to find things in my books!" 

 "I love Mama because she takes me on so many special adventures.  I love it when she takes me to the park, to chase Tucker, to Aunt Lauren’s, dandelion hunting, and to the store.  I love it so much, I never want to come back inside!  Inside is the worst…"

"I love Mama because she lets me help her do her chores.  She works very hard and I always want to help her so she doesn't get as tired.  I love moving the laundry you just folded into its proper location that I deem in the moment.  I like helping the hangers see other rooms in the house instead of just staying in their boring old closets.  I love loading/unloading the dryer (I feel I’m most qualified at this chore).  I especially love cooking with Mama, I help her not to burn the food."

"I love Mama because she helps our family by going to work.  Even though I sometimes have a hard time with her leaving, I know she does it because she loves me.  The best news is, soon Mama won’t have to leave for work anymore, and we can be with each other all the days!!!  I hope you’re ready Mama!"

 "I love Mama because she is sooooo beautiful and I hope I grow up to be as beautiful as her.  People say I’m cute, and I know I get that from Mama.  I hope I don’t look much like stinky-old Dad when I grow up." 
That was the end of the hunt. 10 reasons I love mom.  It made me smile like crazy, as you can imagine. So thoughtful! Thank you Damon & Indie!

 On the way to church we also found a lady bug, which made everyone's day.  I was treated like a Queen today from my two lovers. Thank you so much. I would not be the mom or person I am without Damon or Indie.  They teach me so much.  Happy Mothers Day! To all of the amazing Women in my life who've helped me become who I am today, and still push me to be better!



  1. Damon made that?! Wow! I'm impressed! Tell him he gets kuddos!


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