Ode to Damoney


Sorry I scared you this morning. heh heh heh. (If it makes you feel better I saw my reflection in the glass while cleaning and jumped so bad...got a huge adrenaline rush) SOOO glad about the bathroom!...Finally. I actually had many dreams it would work.  Guess the toilet figured it would shape up for your birthday too. I'm sad I won't get to see you at all today. :( So is Fred. He told me over breakfast this morning. (I did NOT overfeed him...even if he says otherwise) Hope work and school go great. If you need a little birthday pick me up feel free to read through this post.  It’s quite lengthy so you might want to break it up.
Here we go!

28 Reasons you are great!

1. You married me. Obviously you have great taste.  :p We get along so great. Even when I'm grumpy...well that's mostly because you have amazing patience. Love that about you!

2. You LOVE to eat. 
Which is great, because I love to cook. No one is more rewarding to cook for then you. Well...maybe except when it comes to spaghetti noodles... I was actually really nervous about running out of money when we got married. Haha. But I sort of love that you will eat what I can’t finish. You’ve saved many a mac & cheese noodles from being thrown away.  I love making you happy by giving you food that you love…

3. WHICH leads us to our next point. You are SUCH a happy person. (Excluding when George throws fits and breaks down) I have never seen you grumpy or complain.  Really great to be around you, pretty much always…even though sometimes I tell you to get outta my personal space…that one time haha.

4.You do really funny endearing things without realizing it.  For example your infamous head jerk and holding your thumb when you think. My greatest wish is that one day you will see yourself do said head jerk…One day…

5. You unclog the toilet. 50 billion times without complaining.  And fetch me things from the bathroom so I don't have to deal with the grossness. What. a. CHAMP! You sacrifice you own eyes and nose to spare mine!

6. You sing Lion King in the shower with me. haha. Magical.

7. You take criticism & communicate (for the most part) really well.  I’m never afraid to talk to you or voice something that’s bothering me. That’s a really big deal to be able to humbly take advice or criticism and implement it.

8. Sometimes I get a little emotional or blow things outta proportion. I know… doesn't sound like me right ;) I’m glad that you know how to help me see when I am so I can grow as a person. You keep me grounded

9. Why are we so great at having adventures together? I don’t even know. Ridiculous! You help me 

fulfill my adventure itch.

10.  You do a sexy dance sometimes…which usually is accompanied with a very unsexy facial expression.  Probably the funniest thing ever. I love that you will be silly with me.

11. You think things through. I know I give you crap about this, but in the end it is nice to have the best product for our buck.

12. You almost always let me pick the movie…even when I try to let you pick it.  Maybe I feel a little guilty about this one. But you are really good at   putting me first 
with little things.

13.  You help us be good Latter day Saints. You are really good at kicking me outta the bed for church (most of the time…no more sleep over’s in our living room on Saturday nights…) you also rock at being awake at night and helping us say our couple prayers. So glad you love Heavenly father.

14. LOVE that you   honor your priesthood. It is so great to have access to a blessing of comfort or healing whenever I need it.

15. School sucks and sometimes we suck at going to class. Mostly though you work really hard to be there on time and make sure your homework is all ready and done. You do hard things.

16. You are very…thorough…I know I give you crap about this too. But most of the time it’s super great. You finish what you start and you do a great job of it.  I really admire that about you.

17.  You are a good worker.  Everyone at work loves you and you are so good with the guys.  

18. You are kind to others. Period.

19. You don’t get stressed, hardly ever. Which is probably the best thing for our relationship because I tend to worry and plan enough for the both of us. You are good at laughing at hard things or mistakes you make. 

20. You are graceful haha. No joke when you ice skate you are super good at it by the way. Also you just look graceful. Graceful and dainty wristed Damon 

21. You are bald! Its great!  So easy to find you when I get lost at the store! Also you look dang good without hair. You lucked out.  I love that you can make jokes about your baldness…and about just anything else. You have a great sense of humor.

22. There is a reason you have not one BUT TWO man drawers in our house. You are so handy! 
I've never saw something that needed to be fixed or figured out that I've though you couldn't do. 

23. You are my personal calculator and spell checker.  Sometimes annoying, but most of the time I properly appreciate your help. You are so smart!  I love that. I hope you realize how stinking smart  you are and love it.  As you once said I’m just “pretty smart” ;) But really you are a smarty pants!

24. You were probably secretly born a father. The things you say are just, classic dad things to say. “hi hungry nice to meet you”….for instance. Also you are so considerate and great with kids.  They love you!  Makes me so excited to see you as a daddy one day. I know its silly but you even on your grave shifts you call and read me & jess curious George books til I fall asleep. LOVE YOU!

25. You bring me my favorite things without me having to ask.  If its cold or I’m alone on the couch, your bring me my blanket.  If I say I’m hungry you try to make me anything I want. –this is another ode to your patience…sorry!—you clean up the house for me & clean whatever when I ask you to.  You are so selfless. LOVE!

26. You are a funny guy. You love to tease and are really good at not taking it too far. Our kids are going to be freaking comedians we are so funny!  I know you don’t think you are but you ARE good with people. So stop being so shy and lets make some more friends! We can start with the people upstairs who exercise very loudly…

27. I have a lot of faults, you love me anyways and help me be a better person. I might be improving slower than I wish, but you still help me and forgive me. You are an amazing forgiver!

28. ANNNND that kind of wraps it up to the last love I will list. You haven’t run away from my craziness yet. You are dependable. I've learned to trust and rely on you and know that you will always be there for me if you can.  You clean with me in the morning when I am scared to go by myself and you hold me when I’m sad til I feel better.  You drop everything for me and I love that I get to spend the rest of forever with you. Even though sometimes we get super annoyed with each other, I always love you! (Ending on a cheesy note here, but its true!)

Happy birthday DAMON
I love you


  1. Ah I love that the cake worked! Looks great!! Happy Birthday to Damon! Also, I wish I could have been there to help blow up balloons or stream streamers or some such thing. Love you!

    1. I was really surprised the cake looked as good as it did. Boo I wish you were here too. Would have done a double date or something. haha we could have talked about health while I made the super unhealthy cake. Christmas though! You better be here before or after Damon and I go to Idaho.

    2. What are your Idaho dates? I'm trying to convince Felipe to want to go. He's nervous about missing work.

  2. So Katelyn, you are amazing at surprising people with awesome things like this. You are so crafty(both definitions) and creative, it's amazing. You did so much for me on my birthday that I'm going to have to start planning for your birthday now to do even half the stuff you did for me! I don't know how I got so lucky, but I'm sure glad I did. Thanks for being so awesome, I sure do love you!

  3. Ahem. You got so lucky by living with Felipe and then you go so lucky because I never broke up with him. Mystery solved. :)

  4. Very true, I owe you big time Lauren! What would you like?


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