So Remember when...?

Remember that one time...

We went off to Vegas for spring break on a whim.  And while walking the strip, someone asked me if I wanted to have a Boa constrictor around my neck? ...I do.  For some reason my face went just about as red as my shirt.  The snake felt really cool...

Remember that one time....

We went to Color fest!?  Damon & I
were sadly the only ones who didn't bring cool yet protective shades. We had to walk for forever to get to the palace. I was a little disappointed with my lack of cool chalk graffiti afterwards. BUT, Damon's Bald head sure was coated thick, and really cool. 

Remember that one time...

We went to the crabbing dock. Not to crab, but just to take the boat out on the water and play around in the wakes of the other crabbing boats. Well, the boat instructor called us all over to show us how to run the boats motor. I thought he wanted us all to get in. So, like a dork I sat in the boat alone with the instructor while he gave a lengthy explanation to my family on the dock.

Remember that one time... 

I TOTALLY trashed my face? Ya that hurt. Was really stupid too. Longboards are fun & dangerous... obviously.  Those things seem to go hand in hand.  I was on a longboarding date with a boy. (which turned out he was a little bit of a douche. I had rubbed off my face to break my fall on the asphalt.  Two loose teeth, a busted lip, chunk of my nose & forehead gone. Safe to say my face just hurt and eating was not an easy thing. So naturally, we went out to eat, and since I was eating too slow he rushed me and eventually threw the rest of my food away and made us leave...real keeper.)  Took a long time for it to heal and I still have a scar on my nose.  Funny thing is my co worker 'mom's' t the next day all text that boy and warned him how much I meant to them and how much trouble he would be in if anything else happened to me while I was with him. Gotta love them.

SPEAKING of dumb boys, My best bud Madison and I went on a double date with our boyfriends. Our boyfriends incidentally were buds too. Turns out they were a little bit more in love with each other than they were with us.  So we all went to Cabelas and our boys ditched us!  They wanted us to freak out and try to find them. PSHH, whatever. Madison and I had a good time without them. AND found the camo section to make it harder for them to find us when they finally decided to come looking. Oh high school...

Remember that one time...

You see those movies of those dramatic girls who burn all their ex boyfriends stuff and float the remains of their relationship to a water grave? Well, when I decided to commit to Damon my roommates and I thought it would be great fun to burn up the remains of my ex's pictures and letters and float it down the river. This actually turns out to be harder then it looks.

And don't worry, we weren't doing it for the dramatics, more for the  fire appeal. It was pretty cool to watch it burn away while it floated...

Remember that one time...

I went to Oregon to visit Dad and while we walked through Canon beach's parking lot Dad's dog Sunny wrapped his leash around Dad's legs several times. Dad stumbled around, a made a few jokes about it and we all laughed...So when Sunny started to wrap his leash around my bear legs my little brother didn't think to lock the leash and stop him. Instead he let the dog charge after a seagull. Which meant the leash rubbed off all my skin. I fell to the ground. SUPER hurt. However in this scenario I am sure that if I wanted to eat something my dad would not have hurried me & then thrown away my food when I took too long to finish.

OH YES, remember that one time...

I took my sister Lauren & her man Felipe's engagement photos.  Luckily Violet came too so occasionally I could be a little bit hyper and photo bomb some of their pictures. I don't know about you, but by looking at this picture I would say Lauren was semi amused but Felipe was definitely annoyed.  He never would let me join team Felipe & Lauren. Even though, the day they got back from their three day honeymoon I opened all their wedding gifts with them & stayed over to watch a movie. I feel really bad about this now...but back then I just thought we were all having a great old time!  So sorry guys! Love you! Miss you! COME VISIT.

Remember that one time...

Madison and I bought the ugliest sweaters from DI and hired a professional to do a friendship Photo shoot together. Haha We were a little bit crazy. At the end of the shoot our photographer told us she had so much fun that she didn't even want to charge us. Loved it!  Funny thing is we got LOTS of compliments on our sweaters. I don't know if people really loved it or if they were being ironic....

Remember that one time... 

When all I had to do was put on glasses and scrunch up my face and NO one believed this picture was me?  Oh it was...One of my co workers, when she saw this picture even asked me who the ugly fat girl was. Nice...

Remember that one time...

Our family went on a vacation to Vegas together. Lauren and I got to share a honeymoon suite together. It was really nice. But turth be told my personal favorite was while you sat on the bed all you had to do was look to your right and there there was conveniently a hole in the wall so you could watch your lover (or in this case sister) sit and bath....hahaha. So Silly.  I had to sit in the love hole...


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