Oh, the places you go. Zion's National Park

We LOVE Zion's national park. It was our first road trip together, back when we were just buds.  Woke up early early and drove the four hours to the park. Hiked all day, then drove four hours back home at night. Full day! 

It honestly looks like a dinosaur could just walk through this park at any minute and it wouldn't be outta place.We went to angles landing first. This picture isn't even half way up. The top is literally thousands of feet high and you climb up this steep skinny strip of mountain where they have installed chains to hold on to so you don't slip off. I would not have gone all the way to the top if I wasn't trying to impress Damon. There is a stretch of pathway that is straight up switchbacks. These are called the 'Walter's Wiggles,' cuz your legs wiggle from the burn!

Then we did an easier hike through the 3 emerald pools. It was really pretty, lots of red rock and water trickles. 

After we got married we made a trip back down to visit the all famous Narrows in Zion. This time we made a weekend of it and stayed with Damon's College friends.
I had been wanting to hike the narrows for several years. Well worth the wait!  This is Another one of those hikes that while we were on it we kept commenting on how our non-existent children would love to come on it with us some day. 
The narrows is basically a hike through a water bed. Sometimes the water is really shallow....

A lot of places were waist deep.  It was blazing hot outside, but the hike is shaded by these amazingly tall red canyon walls. Wading through the water felt perfect and refreshing!

Damon went swimming a little bit. He said it was freezing being so deep. I stayed on dried up rock bed. He was right, that deep it was ice cold!

The whole hike was just gorgeous!  Only regret is that it was so crowded and we forgot to pack a lunch!  Definitely will be going back!


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