Love ma' littles

So, I come from a BIG family. Both of my parents have remarried, which throws in lots of step siblings into the mix. Some have spouses and one of them has kids. I definitely consider some step siblings more 'my family' than others. No matter how much my parents (mom) wants it to be true, I do not feel much of a family connection to an adult step sibling who I've never really talked to, didn't grow up with and met in passing maybe twice...? Not saying that they aren't part of my parents lives...but no, not really mine. Anyways, hands down Megan (my step brother's wife) and her kids I consider the most 'family' to me.  I just love seeing them and spending time with them and the feeling is mutual, which always helps create a family feeling of love.
   Megan has the biggest heart and is a really good mom. Not to mention she is gorgeous even at 8 months prego & stands up for what she knows is right.  She teaches her kids how to love each other and share. Which is a big deal, even though they are little, cuz as they get older I know they will be the kind of siblings that are there for each other and support each other. 
       They recently moved to St. George and so that's been sad. I can't just zip over to their house anymore and kidnap the kids to play with for a few hours, or go hang out with Megan and watch movies and talk about why life is so hard sometimes. 
     This is Mo-bow!...don't worry it's a nickname...Megan would get the little hairs she had and kinda Mohawk them then give her cute big bows to girl her up. So I called her Mohawk bow, which turned into MoBow which is now just Mo.  
See. Huge cute bow!  

We are super great buds. 

And then there is Jayce! He is such a smiley mama's boy!

Man they were so tiny back then!

We loved going to the park!

...Sometimes without pants on...

We tried to play even when it was freezing outside. This was our last trip that winter. Haha!

They helped me with shopping...

Getting ready to be 'cool' in public 

And we play hard!

Playing on the slide
Jedi training 
Sang for rock band
This was their FAVORITE game! Pulled em
all over the kitchen floor

Mo LOVES books!
Painting Damon's nails

Playing in deflated pools haha

And homemade obstacle courses 

Sure miss those guys!


  1. Gotta watch out for those homemade obstetrical courses... :)


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