The Good Ol' Roomies

I really lucked out with my roommates last year.  Looking back I'm a little sad I didn't live with them when I wasn't engaged. I spent a lot of time with Damon! But the time I did spend with the roomies was GREAT!

First off, there is Coralee. 
(Meemo, Coyee, I.T., lady, Woman,)  She really wanted a nick name, but nothing stuck. Sawy! Coralee & I have been buds since we were in Jr. high.  I honestly can't remember how we met but we've done some pretty silly stuff together. Ummm Cholo hunting for example? Racing my mom's minivan through the 'dangerous' streets of orem/provo, late night stretching parties, dancing parties, football games, photoshoots, throwing orange peels around, movie parties, Zumba, juice & ice cream parties, skipping class for hallway parties, homework parties...we pretty much called everything a party.  Under the pressure of school we often swore we were going to drop out and start our own bumper sticker company.  Don't worry though, we both finished Jr. High & High School to make it to college. We've been through lots together.

Man I love this Lady. She is really great to talk to and a really loyal friend.  She loves her family and isn't afraid to stand up for what she believes in. Also she is so kind to everyone she meets. Coralee also trys really hard to be the best person she can be. BUT don't be fooled she can be crazy pants sometimes.  
Love laughing with her! We were the first to move all our stuff into Glenwood 71!  And like a lot of the time, we were super hyper & excited for a new adventure.  Poor Adriana was the first roomie who officially met us & was probably really scared of us.  Coralee and I were really good at being roomies. Not so great at keeping our room clean. (remember that disgusting mug of milk? SAWWWY!)  We rocked at the rare late night talk and being grumpy at life at the same time.   Also we rocked at getting ready for church together and   fake fighting in accents.  :)  She can throw out a mean accent. I aspire to be that good someday. 

The lovely Adriana!!!! (on the far right) Adriana is an awesome girl! 
She LOVES to have a good time.  She has a great sense of humor & is probably the best sharer I have ever met. (Honestly this lady is SO generous!) & Obviously she is gorgeous. Adriana is super friendly and makes friends really easily. I'm really impressed that she believes so much in the gospel that she stays strong and goes to church even being the only member in her family.  Also She is an awesome cook. We loved it so much when she decided to make something.
 Being a great cook and a great sharer was any roommates favorite combination. We actually signed up for a dinner group together. Which, hind sight, wasn't the greatest idea for me. I was always with Damon so I didn't go to anyone else's dinners but cooked them my dinner once a week. Lame. 

Holy cow this girl is gorgeous! All the boys loved her, and so did we!  She has an amazing personality. She is so so fun to be around and has an amazing sense of style...Maybe when Coralee and I first moved in, Jenna wasn't there but she had her clothes hung up in her closet and we went through them. Not in a creepy way, but her clothes were so awesome we just wanted to look at them....ANYWAYS She is really nice to everyone and great at making everyone feel included and important.  Also a little bit of a comedian.  Really funny sense of humor.  LOVE YOU JENNA!

AND THEN THERE IS LACEY!!! (lace-a-lace) 

We sure love our Lacey. I actually met her mom before I met her. I was changing in my room and Lace's mom came in to chat a bit. I can't even remember about what but I definitely remember that the whole time I didn't have pants on. Our conversation went like normal  sooo to this day I don't really know if lace's mom knew or not..BUT back to Lacey! She is great. I am really impressed with how mature she is. Lacey is very confident in herself, in a way that a lot of people have to work at to be...? I don't really know how to describe it but lacey is great!  
She is awesome to talk to and has a really good outlook on life. Lace is the kind of person who is just automatically friends with everyone. She is so sincere and has a really easy going & easy to get along with personality. 

WE LOVE LACEY! Just an awesome person. 

So as you can imagine all of us together had some really great times. Our first attempted movie night in our apartment was a little bit of a...reach...?
Surround sound anyone?  Yikes, the floors were still clean in the beginning. 

We were wildly inappropriate in stores. Sadly we became those college kids you used to see in the stores and roll your eyes at how hyper they were being.  

...But it was really fun, and your only at this stage of life once. Not hurting anything...And it was REALLY fun.

We went to dances together...

Love Jenna's gold spandex...

Ready for a Country Ho-DOWN!

AND then sometimes, we just had to bring the dancing to us...







We Also loved doing photo shoots. Thanks to Coralee's amazing talent we did lots!
This Photo shoot was super fun and really cold!

Lacey and I were...doing something...?  It was probably really cool in our minds. But it turns out we decided to balance on a slab of hidden ice 
Lacey slipped and fell....hahahahha

This was a hipster photo shoot, Coralee & I borrowed some shirts from a boy in our ward. Luckily we found a cool unoccupied construction sight to oblige for a nice setting.

We spent Christmas together....Well sort of.  Made a make shift Christmas tree and laid presents under it for each other 

We tried to profit from the boy drama each of us bad no one ever followed through or else we all would have been candy rich!

Kiss a boy, get ice cream for the roomies
Snugging, get a little treatsie for the roomies
Holding hands, peanut butter M&M's 

AND we went to Vegas together!

Walking the strip was so fun, we took pictures like crazy. Making it all the way to the M&M factory was a little hard, but not as hard as finding our way out of those stupid Casinos. Blehh

We visited the Las Vegas Nevada Temple. This Is Chrisanne, Coralee's sister. We tried really hard to convince her to room with us, She is pretty much the coolest!

Incidentally this is where the slug dragon was born. It appeared many times on our trip.  Even though you can't really describe what it is, you definitely know it when you see it. Very nice slug dragon Chrisanne 

We ventured onto Fremont, a super sketchy less cool strip. We almost died probably and to get there we all had to squish into this little three seat truck. The drive over and back probably ended up being my favorite part of this whole adventure. 

Mostly we just had really good times together...

Went to Rodeos 

Met interesting boys 

We were there for each other

Went to games 

Killed Time Together

We had some good times 

They even sent me off after my wedding reception, 
Love these girls!


  1. Ahem...I definitely noticed that you didn't have pants on. I remember it worrying me greatly that you didn't seem the least little bit uncomfortable about having a conversation with your roommate's mother while being mostly naked from the waist down. In fact - when Lacey finally met you in the hallway - I whispered to her..."that blonde chicky is kinda sketchy and I'm glad she isn't in YOUR room because she runs around half naked and she sleeps a LOT.

  2. Okay ... now the truth.
    I only remember going IN and OUT of your apartment (and those STAIRS)-not really trying to be quiet because I thought I was ALONE. (and being told later by YOU that you were TRYING to take a nap)! I remember that I was moving Lacey's stuff in - all by myself- while she was being accosted by a nerdy RM at a mandatory UVU track meeting.
    I honestly did NOT notice that you did not have pants on. I swear. I was probably too busy trying NOT to let on that I was winded from the darn stairs. I love you Katelyn!

  3. This just came up on my time hop, long live apt 71. You really were the best roommate!


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