Damon's BIRTHDAY!!!

First married Birthday for Damon! I was probably a little overly excited for this.  Okay well technically his birthday is November 5th, but he works a grave shift and is at school all day. Literally no time to celebrate. So we celebrated last Friday.  At first I was a little sad, because we are really tight on money, but I got a little creative when it came to gifts and it turned out great!  Luckily when I clean the office I have a chance to pick up a lot of cardboard boxes. Some of them are pretty unique.

28 reason's I love you 

Wrote down 28 physical reasons I love Damon (cuz he is turning 28)
Added some clothes pins left over from our wedding to make them
easier to find.  Luckily this box came with lots of packing peanuts.
Made it more of a challenge. 


Did this with my sister when we 
were kids. You poke a hole in
either side of the egg and blow out
all the insides. Takes a while..
and a lot of breath.Then I stuck a
LITTLE love note in it.

Finished painting the outside egg 
with Damon's name and a 28...
It looked prettier in my head then 
it actually turned out...boo.
...And I made him crack it open. 

...You take my breath away...

So, on some down time at work I wrote down kinda what was the theme of Dames b-day. 
"Even though we ain't got money, I'm so in love with you honey!" 
To Make it more fun I grabbed a pack of balloons from the store and stuck the paper in a balloon. Then Damon has this random bucket full of water balloons. I blew up a ton of them to fill up the cardboard box. That part sucked. Those little suckers are so hard to blow up. Cheeks were sore for a week. No joke. THEN just to make things a little more cheesy. I added the cliche of 'you take my breath away.'

Message in a Bottle 

Heard on Pinterest that if you 
write something in lemon juice it 
will be invisible until you hold it
over a heat source. 
Note says "Arrg me hearty,
 this be the secret of my plundering.
I love you.that be my best treasure."
 Rolled it up
I had one awesome box that looked likea treasure chest,
that still needed to be filled. Hence the pirate reference...

Cut out some paper hearts as a filler for my message in a bottle
The rocks are suppose to be sand and
the streamer guy the sea...cheesy I know.

Good ol' sticky note box! 

Inner Child 

I LOVE Hobby Lobby. A lot of the time Damon gets dragged along with me to just look at all their things. It's usually safer for our budget if I don't go to Hobby Lobby alone anyways haha. When Dame comes with me we always make a stop at their 'science-little boy' isle and we look at all their fun little kits and trinkets. Damon tells me about how he would have loved to do those things when he was little and I usually get a good story about his childhood. So after school one day I found a fun small thing that I knew he would love. 

....Opening it up...
Got him a crystal growing kit!
"To help 'RE-GROW' The boy
inside of you"
Decked out a fun Styrofoam box from
work with stickers


What a good sport!!

This Gift was the one I was MOST excited about!!
I super suck at keeping a secret so this was really hard for me
not to crack and let him know what was going on.

He was a little bit nervous about me driving
while he was blinded. leading him through the
parking lot was a nightmare.  He didn't really
trust me. Lame.
"No questions if you want a big surprise. Just put me on & no peeking!"
Damon loves animals. Doesn't matter if it's huge or just a spider. He loves critters. Being in apartments we can't have anything really. We even had to re house our hamsters before moving in :( So for his main gift I gave him a blindfold! (so I could surprise him and let him pick out a beta) Off we went to animal ark. 

I led him up to the sidewalk of Animal 
Ark still blindfolded.  Finally let him take it off. Annd we brought home Fred. He's pretty great! He is a great swimmer...super pretty coloring too. 


I put together all his gifts throughout the week while he was busy at school or doing homework, because Friday, the day of celebration, I knew I was going to be super busy decorating the house and pulling together a surprise while Damon was at school. 

I hole punched the top of all the
pictures and tied balloons to
hold them up. 
I printed out a few pictures of some things Damon and I have done
since we have been married. Jazzed them up with scrapbook paper
and wrote a few things about our adventure on the back of the
picture. Got this idea from good ol' Pinterest. 

Turns out there is a national helium shortage, So it was
a little harder to find helium balloons then I thought. Had to call a few
stores,and go to two separate ones to get a total of 16 balloons. 
doorway to the bedroom...

Damon Hadfield 28!

streamers and duct tape!

Surprising Damon 

 Friday morning as soon as Damon was at work I sent him this text:

                             "Soooo, it's your first birthday being married sir. I wanna make sure I get EVERYTHING perfect for your verrrry special night...IF ya know what I mean ;) So, I need you to answer a few questions. K?"

Then I went on to ask him provocative questions. Such as...
"Do you like it fast or slow"
"Do you like it hard or soft"
"Do you want it here or there"

And so on and so forth. What Damon didn't know that each question he answered had another meaning. He 
was inadvertently planning his birthday.

Asking him if he wanted it fast or slow was really asking if he was going to open gifts right when he got home, or at the end of the day. 

Hard or soft-- if he answered hard we would watch an action movie together. Soft, would be chick flick. (we ended up watching an action movie which I accidentally  fell asleep through)

here or there--Dinner at home or at a restaurant. (We ended up going to Tucanos. BONUS!!)

Do you want it at day or night?-- regular lighting or candles (ended up putting our L.E.D lights from our wedding all over the house. looked really cool)

Do you like it cold or hot?-- Ice Cream or Cake (We did Cake)

Do you like it wet or dry?-- we eat if he chose restaurant at either Zupas or Tucanos  OR if he chose home I would make soup or fried chicken

Do you like it loud or quite?--music playing when he comes home, or silent.

Hard to get or easy?--We get the fish first thing, or save it for last.

Didn't take long for him to figure out that each question led to something more. It was so fun teasing him, it was driving him crazy trying to figure out what the questions really meant.  

The last gift

Kept Damon busy all day so when we got home from dinner I had one last gift waiting for him. 
Most of it was re-gifted from our honeymoon. I wrote a note that said "turning 28 is hard work. Let me help you relax with a nice bubble bath & massage." I even let him pick out my massage outfit ;)  All in all a BUSY and great day!!! We both had a blast! 

Family Party 

Had some of the family over the next day. We had a great time all crammed in our little apartment.  We played big booty. Damon turned out to be surprisingly good at this. We also played signs. We saved Damon's Cake til the family came over...



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