Indie's birthday Day

This 3rd birthday is turning out to be quite the marathon event for Indie.  Since we were out of town for her actual birthday (and with different sides of the family) she has been thoroughly celebrated.  As if that wasn't enough, in two weeks we will have a birthday party with her friends in Pocatello.  It's basically birthday month.  Hopefully she's still to0 young to remember and have expectations for next year.  

We celebrated with my dad (Papa David) first.  He surprised Indie with candles, cake and presents the last afternoon we spent with him. She was so thrilled.  Truly tickled to have the Happy Birthday song sung to her. 

She got this celebration early as we wouldn't be seeing my Dad again this trip.  

She loved all the one on one attention she got from Grandma Laura and Papa David. They opened all her gifts and played with them along side her. She's lucky to have so many involved Grandparents. 

Her next celebration was on her actual birthday. August 12th!  Cara ran ragged with me trying to get the right toys for Indie bug's big day.  She and Great Aunt Janet spoiled her as well.

She was so excited to be 3. She's holding up 3 fingers to show her new age. 'I not 2 anymore! I'm Tree!'

She did a really great job waiting to open gifts. We had my niece's dance recital that night, so we did a mid morning gift opening and celebration. 

Great Aunt Janet ran and got these teeny little cupcakes for Indie, so she'd have something to blow out.  Indie decided she wanted to eat it before opening gifts. Slowly. Savoring each little nibble. Too bad we were all gathered already for gifts.  So, we all just sat there. Waiting for her to finish the worlds slowest cupcake consumption. 

Indie opened every gift with lightning speed and with little expression. She actually showed the most enthusiasm for her boots and socks gift. She loved everything though and has played hard with all her new toys.  She loved having Cousins to play with!

We went to the play house for a bit and Indie taught a class on cookie and colors. It was really cute. 

Mia, Indie's little mini Mama.  Indie adores her.  

We then got the little's dressed for the splash pad. 

Then off to Indie's first Frozen Yogurt experience. I let her pick whatever and as much as she wanted. She shockingly ate every bite.

She got to end her day playing with cousins.  We love you Indie bug!  


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