Washington-Oregon Trip! (Part 2)

Cara and I went shopping, and I (as always) went a little crazy in the children's clothing.  Stellie was dragged everywhere with me and I am astounded at how well she handled everything.  The reflux meds and going off dairy has really turned her into angel baby.  She was up late, taken everywhere, and just as happy as could be. 

Scavenger Hunt

Cara put together a fun hunt for the littles. It was a hit!

Trying to decipher a clue.   

Isla sad that Indie got to a clue before her. 

Indie sad that Isla got to a clue before she did. 

They found the prizes!!!

Picking Wildflowers

They found some blackberries. The blackberries were actually surrounding all the best wildflowers. So that was a bit of a bummer. 

 A bit of Stellie

 While waiting for everyone to be ready to leave on an adventure, I did a quick photo shoot with this squish. 

 Look at those baby blues.

Annnnnd one of Indie. 

The Beach

We stopped by some noisy, hilarious sea lions before setting up camp on the beach. 

I spy with my little eye, silly sea lions. 

When the sun looks like a giant dandelion... 

Liv's Dance Recital 

Liv did amazing at her recital. Such a beautiful dancer. The recital was the end event to a month long dance intensive she was in, in Portland. 

Estelle got to have a late late night, She was so happy and tickled and over tired. She stared at the dancer's preformance the whole time, and didn't make a peep.  I did have to stand and sway most of the time though. 

The stinkies in the bath before we head home. Love them!

We were spend the last day shopping til we dropped at the outlet mall.  Stellie was loving having Liv around to love on her. 

We took a group picture before hoping in the car to head home. 

Full car!

Everyone did great on the way back.  The girls and I were so bummed to get into the Boise area and say goodbye to the Stewarts. Especially since it meant another 3.5 hours of driving. But it was great to see Damon, and we are so happy we got to go on an adventure! 


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