Roller Skating

We took our little family to the roller rink tonight.  Indie was so extremely excited to put on a pair of skates for the very first time.  She waited patiently all day for that moment. The rink didn't have skates in a size small enough for her teeny feet, but Indie soldiered on anyways. 

Indie and I rehearsed together, several times, what to do if (and when) she fell down in the rink.  'We just pick ourselfs up and try again.' I was so proud that this was her immediate response to me when I had asked if she wanted to try skating by herself.  'Yes mom, and if I fall down that's okay. I just get back up and I try again!'  

Indie has a tendency to be extremely hard on herself when she messes up or doesn't reach an expectation she's set for herself.  It's hard to watch her beat herself up and keep herself from trying things for fear of failure, and she's only 3.  Damon and I are working hard to help her understand that mistakes, failures and unexpected outcomes are a beautiful thing.  On her level, we discuss daily that mistakes are so important, a part of learning, and just being human. What matters is what you do with the mistake.  So, to hear Indie echo that attitude towards skating, without prompting, was amazing. 

I will admit, that watching Indie be so hard on herself and discussing it so often, has helped me learn to be a little more kind to myself when I make mistakes.  Kids man. They'll whip you into shape. 

Indie took things very careful and slow in the rink.  The littlest of tippy toe, shuffle toes was her pace.   Even though she was slower than mud, Indie still fell down twice.  However, she immediately got back up, undaunted and happy to be skating. I was so proud of her I almost cried. A big blubbering mess on roller blades. She seemed so big in those moments. 

 As always, this girl is grinning on the inside. She's so stoic, somber and observant, just soaking in every experience. 

We played a few skating games, and Indie won a free soda (or fun drink as we call it in our house). Stellie chilled in the stoller as Damon or I pushed her. Zooming around the floor.  Estelle loved it. 

Indie was so excited for her soda. She thinks she loves  fun drinks, but never really drinks them. So its more of like, a great idea but not so great in practice.  

Waiting, waiting, waiting... 

Sometimes you just really need your skates off to enjoy your fun drink.

...and sometimes even when your skates are off you don't really want to drink your fun drink, even though you think it's your favorite thing.

Indie played around on their big climbing toy before we left.  Stellie thought it was the funniest thing to see Indie up so high. She kicked and giggled and squealed whenever she caught sight of her big sister.   It was such a great night. I'm so so proud of that Indie bug!


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