Winter Walk

Our family's been sick for the past two weeks.  Which means I've been at home tending to sick babies, while sick, for two weeks. Home bound. Bleh. Did I mention I've been stuck at home...?

Now that everyone is feeling better, cabin fever set in for me and it set in hard...because, home bound.
We bundled up best we could and took the kids out into the tundra. 
...You see, we are smart parents who freeze out the children the second they start feeling healthy. It was that or I loose all sanity.  

 Stellie was not all about it. 

 Indie was not all about wearing her gloves.

Damon's probably the most photogenic person I know.  That smile.

Smolder eyes. Tyra would be proud. 

Stellie's little eyes, peeking out. 

Poor rejected glove.

Stella realizing snow is cold.

She hated us. There was no recovery. This spot was so beautiful though!

 There was this amazing snow wall we had to climb to get into the trail.

 Indie was a little devastated that we weren't going to go get ice cream after our hike.  Too coldy!


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