Estelle's 11 month update

Estelle is 11 months old today. 

Stellie is one solid little nugget.  Her legs are so chuba. Also, the rest of her, the rest of her is chuba.  All of her is chuba! ...(all the chub.)  So much so that it's a pretty common occurrence for her to stick her luscious little thighs through her crib slats and become horribly stuck. 

 Stellie prefers to crawl. Sometimes she will hold onto your fingers and let you walk her. After a bit, however, she will drop to the floor and speed off uninhibited by your slow parent pace. She has great balance. You can feel her holding herself up when walking.  Using your fingers as more of a safety net than support. Stella can cruise on furniture, but rarely does so. It's all about the crawling for this little one. 

I feel like Stellie is very verbal.  It could be average. I never know.  She says Balloon (boon), Mom, Dad, Boob (BOOOOOOOO), Kitty (tis), All done (aawww du), More (mmmmmmmm), Hi, and Water (Wa Wa Wa Wa)

She also signs more, all done, boob, and on occasion, sleep.  She understands the sign owie and 'baby signing time'. She understands so much, it's insane how quickly they catch on.  

Stellie understands when its diaper change time and will wait really patiently most times. If she does try to get up prematurely a gentle, 'uh oh' will coax her back into diaper position. Sometimes she'll verbally protest while she lays herself back down. 

Baby signing time is her absolute favorite show, that and Elmo. She loves anything that sings (usually) and loves to move her body to the music. Always with big smiles and squeals of delight. (This is her classic goofy cheese smile. I love her goofy side.)

We got Estelle this little kitty for Valentine's Day, and it's quickly become her favorite item of all time.  She has it with her all throughout the day.  She sleeps with it. She nurses with it, tucked inside her chubby little arm. It's so sweet.  She protests of the loudest sort whenever Indie touches Kitty. She loves to just hold Kitty up to whoever and proudly show off her kitty until you acknowledge it by name. 'Kitty!'

Estelle has been sleeping through the night for a full month now. It's been heavenly. Heavenly I tell you!  She is the easiest baby to put down for a nap right now.  I lay her in her crib with songs, tuck her blanket around her and give her Kitty and bink and usually she's out within the minute.  

It's common for Estelle to insist you bring both blanket and kitty out of her crib with her, before she will allow you to pick her up. 

We've gotten a good handle on the eczema. While we still have a flare up here and there it's nothing drastic. Her bum rash however has now been with us for over 2 months.  We've gone to 3 doctors visits, tried all the lotions and prescriptions you could think of, we cut things out of her diet, changed diapers and wipes. NADA. People this rash is resilient. We've tired going diaper-less for days... all day long.  (The stories I could tell you of poop catching and pee running a muck)  We've tried blow drying her bum dry in between changes.  She's been bathed in the holy tears of our ancestors and unicorns. NADA.  Help!

When I'm cooking in the kitchen (which is 3 times a day with 50 different snack attacks packed in there as well) Estelle will come up behind me and slowly, and silently ram her head into my calf to indicate she would like to be held.  She will keep pushing me with her head until I pick her up.  I find it very interesting that she doesn't complain or make a peep. Just the ever so subtle head but.

   It's also common to be preparing something in the kitchen and turn around to find Estelle silently at my side, looking up at me with big eyes, patiently and soundlessly signing 'more'.  Just waiting to be noticed and given whatever food I might have.  She's so very communicative, but also a very silent begger. 

Indie and Stellie adore each other.  I'm constantly impressed with how patient and loving Indie is with Estelle.  Indie shares everything with Stellie, with almost no complaint or hesitation.  Often Indie will be trying to clean up toys into a bin, and Stella will go octopus mode on her. Stella grabs everything she can to inhibit picking up. Indie will just giggle. She tells Stellie so lovingly 'no no no little one' and continues to pick up the toys, while racing around the room trying to out run Stella's destruction.   

Stellie loves it when you walk upstairs or downstairs with her in your arms. With each step she will make a 'woah woah' noise, as if the act of climbing the stairs were a game made just for her. 

Indie and Stellie both love to play chase, they will run after one another around our kitchen table, screaming and giggling. 

Stella doesn't give many kisses, but when she does, it's usually because she's in a really goofy mood.  She will kiss you (always open mouthed) then throw her head back and chuckle a fake little laugh. 

Stellie loves to be sung to, wears 12 month clothing, and loves books about animals. 

When she wants something she will reach her hand out, this is also one of her favorite ways to greet you.  

We love you Stellie! Just one more month until a whole year old! BAHHH!

Photo Dump:

Drunk baby


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