Indie's 4 and a half update!

Indie is gravely disappointed in me anytime I suggest throwing away anything she's made. Be it a scribble, a paper she cut, schoolwork, or a balloon that's popped.   I've taken to hiding her 'treasures' away and if its absence goes unnoticed I throw it out.  I hide her treasures under the other bits of trash and feel like I've got a pretty good system down. On occasion, however, she still finds them. The look of betrayal in her eyes is real.  It would make me feel bad, if it weren't for the fact that she produces 1000 'treasures' a day and apparently they all have priceless sentimental value.  The value is only appreciated however when it's life is in danger. Otherwise the 'treasures' just lay on the floor being stepped on and cluttering up the house.  I blame Damon. He's so sentimental, just like Indie. They take turns finding thing I've put in the trash can that causes them great despair.

We got Indie back into preschool and she loves it.  Her preschool teachers says we could put Indie in Kindergarten tomorrow and she'd thrive.  I'm not ready though!  We have until August to really decide. My hesitation is all about me, and not about Indie's abilities. She's such a smart kid and very social. Indie picks up things so quickly.   In my mind, however, sending her to school feels akin to sending her out to the wolves. She's so tender.  She assumes everyone who meets her just adores her and wants to be her friend. I don't look forward to watching her go through any negative social experience. The wolves I tell you. Let me make this big milestone all about me and my fears.

Indie likes to be the boss. She loves to orchestrate events and has very specific visions of how things should go. She loves plans and procedures. She will tell me the steps and routines she's made up for her games, or her day, or her imaginative play.  For example, when we got her sunglasses Indie informed me that she must always clean her sunglasses every Saturday before lunch.

  Indie likes to invite you into her world by telling you to pick what color toy 'goes next' or what dress to wear, or what snack to have.   However, once you pick, she immediately gets sad, because you didn't pick what she had hoped you would.  She then tries to convince you to pick differently and doesn't want to hear, 'just pick what you want Indie'. She wants to hear you pick, what she wants, without her input. So, we are working on 'saying what you mean.'  It's proving to be a hard concept.

Indie and I argue the most about music. Which wasn't something I really anticipated. I would have guessed it would be over cleaning up, or going to bed, or whatever. However, Indie is surprisingly good-natured about cleaning up.  Music however, it plagues her.  Indie likes to control all the music that is played in the car 100% of the time.  Which wouldn't be so bad, if it weren't for the fact that she often asks for contradictory things.  Or she'll forget to ask for something in the first place, and then gets angry when it doesn't come to fruition.   So many meltdowns.  So, Indie and I have been trying really hard on compromising and learning that I can't read minds.  I'm just as disappointing as she is in my lack of superpowers.

Indie and Stella started sharing a room recently. They also got a new bunk bed this month. Indie is on the top bunk, and when asked how her first night went, she promptly replied, 'Well, I just sleep much better lower...'  The first night Stella slept in the bunk bed, Indie helped 'mother' her.  When Stella realized she could get out of her bed, Indie was there to help tuck her back in. Indie gave Stella her blakie and laid with her for a bit.  Their relationship is so beautiful, and frustrating, and sweet, and hard, and loud, and kind, and silly.  I'm glad they have each other and hope I can foster good memories and a strong relationship between them.

One day Indie was sitting thoughtfully in her car seat while we were driving.  She broke the silents with this gem; 'You know mom, I don't like commercials because their boring. Except for that cheese commercial on Pandora.  Because if we didn't have that commercial we wouldn't know where to get the best cheese!'  #blessed.

Indie loves to use whatever potty is closest to where I currently am. So we can spend quality time together.  It's like bonding with a skunk.

Indie hates going to bed.  She whines how boring it is.  Her biggest complaint in life is the need for sleep.  She gets too lonely, too bored, and the whole experience feels useless to her.  Indie also informs me often that fences are the worst. She hates driving where there are fences and would like to be notified when we enter areas where fences are no more.  Country girl.  It's not hard to lose the fences though. Living in Idaho you don't have to go far to hit some farmland. For us it takes about 2 minutes.

Indie loves the show My Little Pony.  She plays with her figurines obsessively and will re-watch the Netflix episodes over and over again. There is one episode in particular that she adores. It's a musical episode and you better believe she's memorized all the words to the songs.  So precious. She constantly asks Damon and I to watch that episode with her. Which we have viewed. On repeat.  I think Damon sat and watched it 3 times in a row. Best Dad.

Playing Pretend is Indie's favorite. She turns everything into a game.  Eating meals, cleaning up, riding in the car, walking, using the stairs...

Indie will play in the bath tub for hours. She'll stay in the water well past when it's lukewarm and not mind one bit. 

Damon once got the idea to tell Indie what red ants are and that they can and will bite you.  While I groaned inwardly at him giving her this scary and useless information, neither Damon nor I could have envisioned the pandemonium that would ensue.  To say Indie is terrified of ants is an understatement. It's reached the point of anxiety.  She has nightmares about ants.  She hyperventilates at the thought that an ant might be in her breakfast oatmeal. She'll randomly throw pieces of food across the room, convinced it had an ant on it.  She'll obsess and obsess and obsess over the 'what if's'.  It's like once she starts thinking about ants, she can't turn her brain off. I'll spend massive chunks of time working with her as her anxiety cycles.  I try to talk her down.  It always reaches a point where I have to tell her she's not to talk about them anymore to me.  We've discussed coping skills of how to divert her thoughts and it's time to use them. Move on kid. One time there was an actual bug on her broccoli. Luckily Damon was able to wipe the little guy away before Indie had time to really confirm.  We still count our blessings that she didn't realize it was there. The last thing she needs is traction to her phobia.

Indie has gotten in the bad habit of growling at Stella whenever she crosses her.  Offences like, trying to touch a toy Indie might have one day planned on playing with. Offences like, giving Indie a hug, when a hug was not welcome. Offences like signing, when silence is more preferred. Indie is a cliche however. Because she is literally all bark and no bite.  Stella is the bite and bite she will.  Indie probably gets bitten at least ever other day.   Indie cries because of Stella's retaliation multiple times a day.  Some times it's warranted.  Most of the time though, Indie is trying so hard to be a peacemaker.  Stella is fierce and Indie is a pleaser.

Indie tries so hard to be good.  I watch her try, and see her desire to please me every day.  Indie is a rule follower and loves to be praised. She loves to help.  I'm so proud of her and want so much for her to know I see her effort and that she tries so hard.  It melts my heart.  She is so good, and so obedient.  It surprises me when she chooses to disobey or when she doesn't want to help.

Indie's favorite song is Stay.  Her favorite color is purple.  She loves dresses, and hates jeans.  She thinks colorful tights and sparkly bows are the epitome of beauty.  Her favorite animal is a pink hippo with a heart tattooed on its fanny. (ya I don't know.)  Indie wants to be a Mommy and a teacher when she grows up.  She believes in fairies and that 'rainbow glitter sparkle' is a foundation color.

We sure love our sweet girl. 4.5!  Not a huge milestone, but she sure is getting huge.  She's basically a woman.  

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