Finn's 8 month update

Finn is just chugging right along. Not a whole lot to report this month.  He has had a few adventure though.  

Finn went camping for the first time, and despite almost freezing his first night, slept like a champ.

The biggest development is probably Finn's new love of food. All food, any food, and can he have your food, please?  He becomes insistent the moment anyone in our home brings food into his sight, he must too partake.  

Finn's trademark these days seems to be the constant raspberry blowing he'll spew when upset.  He'll blow raspberries in warning of a meltdown, then the raspberries will be interspersed within his screaming cries.  An echo of the warning you neglected.  

Finn is loud.  He likes to be shrill when he screams and he likes to scream for fun.  You can imagine how much fun that is for all of us.

When Finn gets tired he will raspberry you to death.  If we are out and about, he's usually in his carrier, on me.  He will just keep up a constant hum of babbling while I walk around until he falls asleep in the carrier. But if you don't get him to fall asleep in an acceptable time frame, whether at home or out and about, he will start screaming.  There is no reset or distraction once the screaming begins. He will only stop screaming for his crib.  On occasion a bath has helped to temper the screaming, but it picks up real quick if you don't get him out of there and to his crib.  Boy loves his bed.

Finn does his best to stay awake in the car.  He'll cry, babble, scream, gaze into the distance contemplating his life, but he hardly ever falls asleep. If he does, you better believe it's just for a short cat nap. 

Finn has started moving around in his sleep.  He used to stay put in the exact spot you laid him to bed in, but he's just finally realized he can turn to one side, or flip around a few times to face a different direction.  

Still no teeth!

Finn is perfecting the art of the pincer grasp.  It's pretty  adorable to watch his chubby little fist, coming in all frantic and frenzied for your food offering, only to see his fist calm upon contact into the daintiest of pincer grasps.  Talk about a whirlwind of speeds and emotions. 

Finn is a snuggle bug.  

As always, we love home smiley this teeny chunk is.  He's always good for a love, a smile or a good squish.  We love ya Finner boy!

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