Finnster's 9 Months

Finn loves to scream and squeal and screech.  He's got a super piercing screech, I'm sure having two older sisters has helped mold that behavior in one way or another. 

Finn loves to kick his feet idly when he's being held.

Finn is a little fish.  He LOVES bath time.  He takes a lot of sink baths.  If he's grumpy and done, he'll be happy in the sink.  So, I get a lot of kitchen work done while he splashes away.

Speaking of which, Finn is a BIG slasher.  Like, for reals. I've never seen anything like it. From the moment his toes touch the water, to the second we take him out, his chubby arms are flying rhythmically to pound that water. Sending droplets air born much like the fountain at the Bellagio.  A little less majestic.  I often look like I've just stepped out of the shower fully clothed when Finn finishes his baths. 

Tonight he was taking a bath with his sisters and slipped under the water for a second. I caught him immediately and brought him back to sit.  It didn't even phase him.  He kept hitting the water, all the way down, while he was under the water, and as I pulled him back to sitting.  

Finn babbles. A lot.  More than our girls ever did. He's constantly babbling, making puppy noises or trying to communicate.  He only says Mom when he's upset or sad. Rude.

Finn is starting to growl when something displeases him.  He'll clench his whole body and hunch into himself as he lets out a labored, low and long growl.  It's pretty silly.  He'll make a great birth coach one day.

Finn likes to be upside down.

His favorite food right now are ritz crackers. Plain. Shaken, not stirred. 

Finn loves to stand.  He gets bored of sitting and laying around, but can't hold his own weight yet, so we hold him to stand a lot. 

It's pretty common for Finn to wake up from the night, or from naps with bloody ears.  Doesn't matter if we just clipped his nails, or not.  He will shred his little inner ears with scratches.  It makes me sad for him.  I'm assuming his ears are bothering him, he's done this for a few months now, but it seems to be happening more often lately.   

When Finn was born, they warned us he could develop some hearing complications because of the red flag the 'pits' on his ears presented. We decided not to have him checked at 4 months because he had no warning signs or issues at the time.  And lets be honest, we were already strung out on doctor's appointments for him. We have him scheduled for a hearing evaluation now.  Hopefully all will be well!

When he's being held Finn likes to face out.

Finster will only sleep well in his crib or while he's in the lilliebaby carrier I have.  He won't sleep anywhere else. 

Finn got his first tooth! He's got his bottom two this month! 

He's switched to sleeping on his belly.  When he's really tired, he'll leave my arms into his crib and immediately roll to his side.   He still has a hard time rolling from tummy to back if his hands aren't just so.  So that's been a little frustrating for him.  

A fun routine we're at right now is to wake up between 5:30 or 6:30 with a big ol' poopy diap.  He'll scream the whole time I change him.  So loudly that I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the neighbors heard him. He gets so upset that I'm not immediately boobing him and helping him fall back asleep. Sorry bud.

Finn is the happiest baby.  He'll always meet your attention with love and happiness.  I wonder if his little cheeks ever hurt from all the love he'll send us throughout the day. So much smiling!  It's been especially noticeable because as a baby, Indie wouldn't smile for anything.  You'd could stand on your head and she'd maybe raise an eyebrow.  Stella was slightly more inclined to humor you, but Finn? He's all in man. 

Happy 9 month's Buddy!
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