Finn's 10 Month Update

 Just two more months until we hit a year.  How is that even possible.  Time passes but imma be real.  Finn seems pretty much the same.  He is for sure our most 'babyish' baby.  I don't know if that's birth order or just part of who he is.  

Finn did learn a new trick this month. Clapping!  He gets a big kick out of watching us all freak out when he preforms his trick. He's such an eyebrow talker, its so fun to see him tickled. 

Finn is such a happy baby and loves to smile and babble at us.

Finn loves to cross his little chubby ankles. 

Finn is great at communicating when he's sad, or angry.  Lots of fussing until he gets the toy or person, that he wanted. 

We were a little worried by Finn's lack of mobility. Indie didn't crawl until 10 months, and I remember being all sorts of worried about that.  But now Finn's come along and one upped her.  Classic.  He wasn't rolling from tummy to back consistently until a few weeks ago.  He'll rolly polly all over now, when he has to. It's still not his favorite. 

Finn thinks it's pretty funny to slide down in his highchair so you have to help prop him back up. He is loving cause and effect right now. Bonus points if you make a big show about fussing over him.  

Finn loves to take off his hats for this reason.

Finn loves to scratch and grab faces.  

Finn is a snuggle bug and a fan of throwing himself when he's tired. 

Finn has 4 teeth now.  His bottom two and two on the top. But not the front two.  The two next to those. So, like jack-o-lantern teeth.  He's real festive. 

Finn may or may not be trying to cut out his second nap. Which isn't happening.  Not without a battle.   Right now he's sleeping from 6:30 or 7 at night til around 6:30 in the morning.  Most of the time after I feed him, he'll fall back asleep til after 8 ish. 

Finn still loves pureed food more than real food.  Squeeze pouches are his jam.  He gets really excited and outraged when other people are eating, and he is not. 

We love our Finn boy.  He is squishy, sweet, silly, loving, happy, talkative and all things a teeny baby of the family should be!  Happy 10 months Finner!

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