Stella's 2.5 year update!

Stella is our sweetie, spitfire, ball of fun.  She reminds me of the poem by Henry Longfellow: 

 '...When she was good, 
She was very good indeed,
 But when she was bad
 she was horrid.'

Stella is our high highs and our screaming lows.

Like most humans, if Stella is tired, or hungry, she struggles. The problem is, Stella is almost always hungry.  We deal with a lot of whining, screaming, biting, hitting, and all other forms of frustration from this baby.  Stella only gets physical with Indie, and it's not the norm.   Usually we just have a lot of screaming, until we can help Stella reset or feel heard, or until she takes a nap.

Stella still naps, she loves her naps and takes anywhere from a 2-4 hour nap if I let her. We gauge the decision to nap depending on her behavior that day. 

Stella is a peacemaker.  She can not stand to have tension in the home.  If I scold or speak firmly to anyone, Stella will without fail immediately ask me if I'm okay.  She will continue to stay by my side and check in with me until I admit that I'm no longer frustrated, or mad, or grumpy, or sad. She does this with everyone in our family. 

She has an ability to pick up when I'm grumpy or out of sorts, even when I'm trying to hide it and it goes unnoticed by everyone else. 

Stella is extremely empathetic.  Her ability and capacity to perceive emotion and care for others feelings blows my mind.  She feels remorse in the depths of her little body when she has caused negative feelings and will be at your side, actively seeking to reconcile and know that you are on good terms again.

Estelle is such a rewarding child to parent.  She is quick to say and feel sorry, quick to love, quick to forgive, quick to laugh, and quick to comfort those around her.  This kid is just so aware of emotions and full of love.  It is such a beautiful talent she has. 

Stella will randomly approach Damon & I throughout the day and champion us.  'You're a good Mommy,'  she'll say while resting her hand on me and smiling. 'You a sweet Daddy,' she'll coo at Damon and lay her head on his chest.  'You're my favorite!'  she'll tell Indie.  'You a good baby!' she'll tell Finn.  On the daily. She loves to love. 

Stella is a cheerleader.  She loves to be the one to encourage and applaud when those around her are struggling or feeling sad.  

Stella is a Daddy's girl.  She has always preferred men.  Even as a teeny newborn.  She is her Daddy's buddy.  She'll call him 'Superman.'  She loves to be right at his side.  Right at his feet, but mostly right in his arms. 

Stella LOVES Daniel Tiger.  When it comes down to it, I'm pretty sure she'd sell us all on that black market if it would buy her a little extra time to watch Daniel Tiger. It. Is. Her. FAVORITE!

By the way, almost everything is Stella's favorite.  She loves to announce a billion times a day, that something is her very favorite! A bath? DAT MY FAVWRIT.  A snack? DAT MY FAVWRIT.  Playing with a toy? DAT MY FAVWRIT.  Picking out her clothes. DAT MY FAVWRIT.  Going somewhere in the car? DAT MY FAVWRIT... You get the idea.  I love her enthusiasm. 

Some other things Stella says a lot right now: 'Otay, Otay, Otay...'-in response to almost any request.
'I need that!'-anytime someone picks up a toy she had shown no interest in
'Neber mind'-She'll randomly talk to herself, then announce to the family to forget it. 

You'll often find Stella running from room to room shouting at the top of her lungs that a 'DINOSAUR COMING!'  We mostly go about our day while she evades multiple attacks.  Dinosaurs be all up in here, apparently. 

Stella doesn't have a quiet mode.  She is full bore, loud, and emotive.  I love it. (until Finn is napping. Then it requires a lot of patience) Stella is our bull in a china shop.  

Stella is constantly starving and relentlessly picky.  If it's not processed, full of sugar and sure to rot your teeth out, she doesn't want it.   She will ask for snacks all day.  Even while still eating her current snack she'll ask for more. 

Stella also hates breakfast. It's so hard to get her to eat in the mornings.  She'll agree enthusiastically to you making her a million things, and then refuses to touch any of them. Then she melts down the rest of the morning because her blood sugar is low and she's starving.  She starves while 5 different meals sit rotting away... C'mon. 

Stella LOVES her rain boots.  She can put them on herself and they work in almost every climate.  I need to buy 60 more in all sizes.  They work so well. 

Stella is hysterically in the depths of despair, should she wake up and Indie isn't in the room.  These sisters are so sweet.  Indie helps so much with Stella.  They are like puzzle pieces already complimenting each others strengths and weaknesses. 

That is when they aren't crying and screaming in each others faces while self destructing over who gets to pick what game they'll play.  

Stella loves to make Finn laugh.  She becomes gravely offended when Indie tries to join in on their games and steals Finn's attention.

Stella is potty trained! She still wets the bed, probably 5 times a week.  She's such a deep sleeper that she doesn't wake up. Usually she has no idea she's wet.  

Stella always walks with a spring in her step. Attitude and animation. We call her the boss, with her boss walk.  She's got style and confidence, with cheeks to spare.

Stella loves her baby blanket and wubba.  They are still so inseparable.  Indie never really cared for hers, and Finn doesn't care for a lovie either. But Stella?  She lives and breaths for her comfort objects.  

Stella loves to play devil's advocate when she's bored.  You could say anything, Stella will take the opposing side with gusto.  

Stella has invented 'Me-me'.  Me-me is an attitude of play.  Any object can be infected with the spirit of Me-me and instantly becomes silly, wild and playful.  Most often Stella makes her Wubba Me-me, my hand, her hand, feet...  Doesn't matter, but they're all called Me-me and its her favorite way to play. 

Stella can count to 14 before creative license starts taking over.

Stella loves to be a BIG HELPER. She will grab her chair and rush to my aid on so many occasions. 

We love this teeny human.  She's determined to not get lost in the shuffle of middle child, and shine's so loud, happy and bright.  


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