Indie's 8!


Hello crooked teeth, wild hair, clever girl.  Eight years old you is tender. You love a good joke.  You devour books.  Your top bunk looks a bit like an episode from hoarders. It's expanded to the walls as paper layers over paper.  Everything is a treasure. Everything has potential.

You enjoy your space, and prefer to breakdown in private.  You do not like hugs or snugs when you are overwhelmed.  Sometimes I worry it's because I wasn't tender enough when you were younger.  That's a problem I have as Mom sometimes. I get so tangled up in my children, that I have a hard time seeing where I stop and they start. But I remember how even as a newborn you hated to be snuggled close.  Too eager too turn out and look at the world. Even so, I've made it a goal to give you 8 second hugs every day.

 You love to talk, share, and hear all you can.  You've learned the sweet relief that comes with talking out big emotions, and my goodness the emotions we've talked free lately.  I hope you always keep your ability to feel so deeply.

You love lists, and plans and to do's.  

  You do such a beautiful job of trying to apply what you've learned to your life.  You are so good. I see it flow from you.  Your desire to help, and do what is right.  You love to be in charge.  You seem unafraid to follow your desires and give little regard to what those around you think as you immerse yourself in your interests. You soak in your world and want to understand it.  You ask big questions, and process silently.  We recently went over all the ABC's as you tried to search out every bad word there is and what it meant. 

You try new things easily, but if they don't come easily you have to consciously choose to talk kindly to yourself. You like to know what is expected, and what to expect.  

You love veggies and to hoard candy that never gets eaten.  You spend most of your money on others and share so generously. You are responsible and love to organize. You are creative. You don't have a malicious bone in your body. 

This is your snapshot from my lens.  A glimpse of what eight year old Indie looked like to me. It's limited, as you are so much more than I could ever type out. You have all the space to become and evolve into anything and everything.  I hope we are supporting you to confidently become someone who listens to her inner self and finds joy in life. We love you Indie girl. 

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