Myra is two months old


Two months old & I know her now. I know Myra likes to be tucked into my left shoulder, bounced gently, with a good cheek smooshed to my chest. 

I know she startles easily and enjoys bathing with warm washcloths on her tummy. 

I know she’s a marathon bedtimer. Spending hours soaking in cuddles and being re-swaddled. I know when she finally sleeps, she’ll sleep hard. 

I know she isn’t a huge fan of the bink, but will surrender when she has to. She’s much happier on her back or in the swing than being held by her sisters. I think she feels unsafe being carried in their little arms. 

I know she likes the swing for naps when my shoulder isn’t available. With the aid of white noise, lullabies, and a saddle she’ll sleep through a lot of commotion.  

I know anytime she’s done nursing she’ll pull away dramatically with big grunts and growls.

I know raised eyebrows means she’s about to smile and little calls means she’s about to cry.

I also know that the first 4-6 months is the hardest stage for me, and while I am so grateful for the snuggles, coos and smiles, I am ready for this baby to keep on growing.

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